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July 17, 2018
New York Times: Queerbaiting Is Okay When We Do It
Gay jokes were officially made a Crime Against the State sometime around 2009.
But not if you're part of the State Media.
Parody site "The ResistanceHole" actually noted the left's schizophrenic stance on gay jokes last month:
This kind of blatant double-standard on the part of the left is a feature, I think, not a bug.
The inconsistency may reveal that the left inflicts "rules" on its enemies that it feels free to ignore itself. But that itself is a demonstration of the left's power-- I think they get off on openly announcing that they are free to make up rules to impose on others and completely violate those same rules with impunity.
It's a demonstration of how much power they have, and maybe more importantly, how much power you don't have.
They want you to know who's in charge, and who you must bow to, and this sort of blatant, not-even-hiding-it demonstration of their power to unilaterally print up entire tomes of new rules and also unilaterally suspend operation of those rules when they choose is nothing if not a reminder of who is the ruler, and who is the ruled.
posted by Ace of Spades at
02:45 PM
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