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July 13, 2018
The Morning Rant

"So the hard left, which is increasingly encompassing mainstream Democrats, now says it's OK to punch a Nazi. But that just raises the question, who's a Nazi? This a serious question. If they're going to be advocating violence, they'd better have the permissabilty to do so well defined. But of course, they don't. Ask them who a 'Nazi' is and the usual slurs come out: racist, bigot, homophobia, white supremacist, ad nauseum. So the more you argue about it with them, the more it comes down to is that a Nazi is anybody with whom the hard left disagrees. Because every disagreement is not because of honest policy differences, but because of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Yes, I know this is stupid. Yes, I know this won't end well for them if they continue down that path. But they don't see it, and the reason is because there used to be no downside to their provocations. Back in the day, if the progs called a conservative a racist, he would cower, try to explain that he wasn't a racist, and ask for forgiveness if he was a racist and didn't know it. But now, I think that's done. I think most normal Americans are tired of being called racists by the prog PC Gestapo and are simply ignoring them. The progs, starting to realize that their slurs and cuss words are all used up, are thinking, Gee, maybe we should be violent now. That'll show 'em. Again, if they go that route, it won't end well for them. But there appears to be nothing stopping them from goose-stepping into the abyss."
Attention Liberals & Progressives:
No Doubt President Trump Is Shaking In His Boots:
They're So Brave:

Not shown: Lady McMullin, Lady Wilson, Lady Goldberg, Lady Stephens.
(h/t Evi L. Bloggerlady)
Can I Get a Witness?

"Look at those crazy googly eyes.
Could she be high on flakka?"
Feeling low? This Trump Shadenfreude list will cheer you right up.
Have a great weekend!

posted by OregonMuse at
11:23 AM
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