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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
June 25, 2018
The Morning Report 6/25/18
Good morning kids. Start of another week and the lead story continues to be the manufactured border crisis cum political stunt aimed at ramming home a last minute amnesty sellout before the midterms and, concomitantly, pissing off the Republican base to allow the Democrats to take control of Congress. The good news is it's not working. In fact, I think it's fair to say it's failing miserably and in fact backfiring on the Democrat-Left Media Complex. PDT to my knowledge is the only political figure I can think of who has openly and repeatedly spoken the plain, unvarnished truth: open borders and the flooding of our country with millions of poor, illiterate foreigners who do not share our language and most importantly our culture - and have no intention for the most part to do so (which is by design) - will essentially destroy our country. It's as simple as that. He gets it, the voters get it and, more and more, people who are only notionally interested in politics and national affairs are having their eyes opened. Both to this as well as the bald-faced lying of the media about all of it (see the Time magazine cover) and everything, really. As of this writing, the latest generic poll (see the link) has the Dem advantage down to just 4 points in the aftermath of this Kursk-like political assault on the President and his policies.
On the down side, the rhetoric is now completely off the charts and as the Democrat-Left Media Complex see that they're not only not having an impact but that the President and the base's rejection of it has stiffened, they are now getting physical, minimally "in our faces" as the ex-president had exhorted them not so long ago. Last week saw DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen verbally abused by a Leftist goon squad led by a Sandersnista supporting DoJ employee at a restaurant (one where the manager sat by and essentially cheered) only to be greeted by another goon squad protesting outsider her home, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders was denied service at a Red Hen restaurant and most recently Florida AG and staunch PDT-supporter Pam Bondi was forced to flee from a movie theater. Add to that the grandstanding camera-whoring of the Dem candidate for Senate in Maine who, after being arrested for loitering at a detention facility is now claiming he's, get this, a "political prisoner" of the Administration or of sub-literate mouth-breathing cretins like Barbara Lee who claim that PDT is "criminalizing illegal immigrants." There's about 100 megatons of stupid in that phrase but sadly, along with the shameless optics of the schmuck from Maine combined with the Goebbelsian imagery from Time Inc., the NY Times, WaPo, CNN et al, you can whip up a lot of fear as well as rage in the uninformed and marginally educated - i.e. the typical Democrat voter. Just reanimate James Hodgkinson and ask him.
Now, race-hustling scam artist Max-Scene Waters is snapping her dentures like a pair of raging castanets, letting loose with a rant that is effectively a green light to move beyond words to physical confrontation. She, and others in her party and its base, are advocating the confrontation of any and every official in the Trump administration anytime and anywhere, with the hoary old chestnut (not her, the saying) G-d is on our side.
"If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. Tell them they're not welcome any more, anywhere!"
And what happens if one of your wonderful crusaders of peace love and understanding let fly with fists? Or if your intended target or someone on his/her security detail decides to push back on you and yours, Maxine? You're playing with fire. If that wasn't enough, the probable next president of Mexico, who is a rabid Leftist, is openly calling on his citizens to swarm the border en masse. Am I exaggerating or if that were to happen, or if he is elected and continues to openly state this, could that be construed as an act of aggression or war? Call me old fashioned but I would say yes it would be. You don't need panzer divisions or armies if undermining and destabilizing a bordering nation is your goal. Other links worthy of your time from the political vis a vis the floundering Ryno Amnesty bill to the bigger picture I have alluded to, vis a vis, this latest crisis as a weapon of insurrection.
Moving on, Mark Meadows says the DoJ gave up very little in the way of the documents he and his colleagues have requested, an interesting piece about how Mueller shot himself in the face with the phony indictments of Russian companies, the Awans evidently robbed a Dem Congresswoman's office and when an aide tried to blow the whistle she was admonished, and Daniel Greenfield on why Obama actually wanted the Russkies to hack our election. Meanwhile, as the Dems fortunes for November continue to sink Mark Warner led a booze-fueled bash on Martha's Vineyard where he offered to tell all about what Mueller allegedly had on PDT.
On the international scene, as Mad Dog Mattis heads to Asia and his first confab with the Chi-Coms, the President is still hitting that country hard on high-tech thievery, signs of warming relations and disappearing anti-US agitprop on the 68th anniversary of the Korean War and, surprise, Erdogan wins another term as the sultan of sweat in Turkey.
SCOTUS is set to end its first term of the Trump era with some big decisions, an adviser is making noises about two possible nominations to the Supremes, some phony alleged conservative think tank is hot and horny for carbon taxes and Victor Davis Hanson with his usual brilliant analysis of the times we are living in.
Lastly, on a point of personal privilege, I want to thank Wiser Bud and Mrs. Wiser Bud for their hospitality. We had a nice get together with them and some of the Cobs on Saturday. Fun!
And lastly lastly, if you're in Connecticut I feel sorry for you, but seriously be sure to catch moron Steve Noxon on the radios for his show "Talk of the Town" weekdays from 10AM-1PM on WATR-AM 1320 or online at www.watr.com.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
President Trump Calls for Immediate Deportations: "No Judges or Court Cases"
PDT Doubles Down on Heightening Border Security
Is Violence Next? Some Dems Encourage Aggressive Public Confrontations Against PDT, Aides (considering Scalise and Paul, that ship sailed ages ago - jjs)
Left Rolls Out Alinsky Offensive
Amnesty Pimp Luis Gutierrez Leaving Chicago, Moving to Puerto Rico
Power-Mad Race Hustler Waters: G-d is On the Side of Thugs Harassing Trump Officials
Insurrection's Here: How Long Do We Have Until Civil War 2.0 Starts
Act of War? Probable Next Mexi-Prexy Calls for Mass Migration to the US
McCaul: "We Stop 10 Terrorists a Day from Getting Into This Country"
Jim Jordan: House Leadership to Blame for Failed Conservative Immigration Bill
Obama Cronies Get Rich Off of Migrant Kids: Raza-ists Rip Off America
Barbara Lee, (D)-Olt, Accuses Trump Administration of, Get This, Criminalizing Illegal Aliens
Cunning Stunt Dept.: Maine Dem Senate Candidate Arrested for Loitering; Calls Himself a "Political Prisoner"
Who's Really to Blame at the Border?
Mark Meadows Says DoJ Turned Over Only "Small Percentage" of Subpoenaed Russia Docs
Goodlatte Says FBI/DoJ Face New Document Deadline (or else, what? - jjs)
Mueller's Concord Mismanagement is Convulsing
Awan Brothers Reportedly Stole $120,000 in Equipment from Dem Rep Yvette Clark's Office
The FBI Would Be Guilty of Clear Bias if its Trump Investigation Were a Racial Discrimination Lawsuit
Greenfield: Why Obama Wanted the Russians to Hack the Elections
Amazon Employees Threaten to De-Platform Peter Thiel-Founded Palantir from Cloud Service
How Jordan Peterson Missed a Layup on Religious Freedom
UN Report Faults PDT for Obama Poverty; Media Fall for It
Dems Party Hard on Martha's Vineyard; Mark Warner Jokes About Mueller Leaks
Dem Advantage Down to 4 Points After Peak of Ginned-Up Immigration "Crisis"
Wealthy Dem Donors Desperately Trying to Rescue Joe's Man-Chin
Rhode Island Senate Passes Bill Requiring Prexy Candidates to Reveal Tax Returns or Be Left Off Ballot
Claire McAssKill Praises Kamala Toe as "Leader" on Immigration, or Something
CO Dem Candidate for Governor Condemns School Vouchers, But Sent Her Kids to Private School
Erdogan Declared Winner in Turk Elections, Cementing 15-Year Grip on Power
Mattis Goes to Asia for First Visit with Chi-Coms
PDT Documents Chi-Com's Commercial Espionage Campaign Against the US
DeSantis Calls on PDT to Indict Raul Castro for 1996 Downing of "Brothers to the Rescue" Planes
68 Years After Start of Korean War, Goodwill Gestures Move Forward
"All the Anti-American Posters" in North Korea... "They're Just Gone"
Angela Crashes
Anti-Israel Bias and Harassment at Presbyterian Church USA's General Assembly ("General Assembly": I think I see the problem - jjs)
WH Adviser Who Helps Fill Vacancies Says PDT Likely Has Two More SCOTUS Picks
Trump's Sweeping Reorg Makes Sense, Which is Why it Will Never Get Done
SCOTUS: Police State Surveillance Dealt a Setback, But Future Uncertain
Decisions on Travel Ban, Forced Union Dues Expected in SCOTUS' Final Week
It Was a Brutal Week in Washington for Fiscal Conservatives (when was it never? - jjs)
US Median Age Hits All-Time High of 38; Record 86,248 Now 100 Years of Age or Older
Half-Full or Half-Empty? Poll Shows 37% of Young Americans Back Abortion "Under Any Circumstances, 42% Back Restrictions
Oh, FFS! Think Tank Claims GOP Will Back Carbon Tax if Tied to Innovation (sounds like a Simpson-Mazzoli swindle - jjs)
Good Roger Simon: Why the Left is Having a Nervous Breakdown
Invasive Hogweed That Causes Blindness and Third-Degree Burns Found in Virginia (the jokes write themselves - jjs)
Victor Davis Hanson on the Fate of the West, Trump and the Resistance