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June 22, 2018
Leaked Memo Reveals that ACLU No Longer Supports Free Speech
Surprise -- the hard left begins agitating against free speech in order to champion "social justice," which is racial supremacy approved by polite liberal society, and the ACLU harkens to its master's command.
The American Civil Liberties Union has explicitly endorsed the view that free speech can harm "marginalized" groups by undermining their civil rights. "Speech that denigrates such groups can inflict serious harms and is intended to and often will impede progress toward equality," the ACLU declares in new guidelines governing case selection and "Conflicts Between Competing Values or Priorities."
This is presented as an explanation rather than a change of policy, and free-speech advocates know the ACLU has already lost its zeal for vigorously defending the speech it hates. ACLU leaders previously avoided acknowledging that retreat, however, in the apparent hope of preserving its reputation as the nation's premier champion of the First Amendment.
But traditional free-speech values do not appeal to the ACLU's increasingly partisan progressive constituency--especially after the 2017 white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville. The Virginia ACLU affiliate rightly represented the rally's organizers when the city attempted to deny them a permit to assemble. Responding to intense post-Charlottesville criticism, last year the ACLU reconsidered its obligation to represent white-supremacist protesters.
The 2018 guidelines claim that "the ACLU is committed to defending speech rights without regard to whether the views expressed are consistent with or opposed to the ACLU's core values, priorities and goals." But directly contradicting that assertion, they also cite as a reason to decline taking a free-speech case "the extent to which the speech may assist in advancing the goals of white supremacists or others whose views are contrary to our values."
In selecting speech cases to defend, the ACLU will now balance the "impact of the proposed speech and the impact of its suppression." Factors like the potential effect of the speech on "marginalized communities" and even on "the ACLU's credibility" could militate against taking a case. Fundraising and communications officials helped formulate the new guidelines.
The speech-case guidelines reflect a demotion of free speech in the ACLU's hierarchy of values. Their vague references to the "serious harm" to "marginalized" people occasioned by speech can easily include the presumed psychological effects of racist or otherwise hateful speech, which is constitutionally protected but contrary to ACLU values. Faced with perceived conflicts between freedom of speech and "progress toward equality," the ACLU is likely to choose equality. If the Supreme Court adopted the ACLU’s balancing test, it would greatly expand government power to restrict speech.
Although they're citing "white nationalists" as the reason for this balancing test, #MuhNazis is always the first reason offered for censorship -- and within a week, they're staging police-tolerated riots over Ben Shapiro and Ann Coulter.
The ACLU knows this, of course -- and the ACLU approves.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:05 PM
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