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June 22, 2018
The Morning Rant

"So the zoo sends Sam the vet around once a month to check me out. He's a great guy. 'How's it going, GP?', he'll say, 'Oh, you know, same old same old, Dr. Sam', I'll tell him. Or, 'Hey Doc, I've got this scaly patch on my right butt you might want too look at.' But if I run into him at a cocktail party, I'll say, 'Hey, Sammy, how's it going?' Sam's a low-key guy, he doesn't stand on ceremony. He's 'Dr. Sam' when he's exercising his professional capacity as my vetinarian, and 'Sammy' when we're pounding down brewskis at a local tavern. And everything's cool. Sammy can tell the difference between the personal and the professional. So I don't get these elitist ass clowns who insist on being called "Doctor" no matter who they're talking to or what the situation is. Do they think that graduating from med school confers some kind of title of nobility? And not only the medical doctors, then there's the Ph.D graduates who prance around wearing their 'Dr' diploma like an Easter hat, insisting that everyone call them 'Doctor'. You know, you WILL respect my authority! Give me a break. If Julius Erving went around insisting that everyone call him 'Dr. J', that would be more credible than most of these smug pr*cks who think that writing words on a piece of paper is an awesome achievement."
"...Then They Walk Around In Its Skin And Demand Respect":

I glanced at her Twitter profile, not sure what she is a "Dr" of. But it's usually the least accomplished who make the biggest fuss over titles, degrees, and diplomas.
Today In Progressive Scholarship #1:

Today In Progressive Scholarship #2:
And the MSM Wonders Why They're Such a Laughingstock:
"When They Go Low, We Go High"
Compare & Contrast:
Ohio Man Gives Florida Man A Run For His Money:
"You know, if would be pretty
funny if the officer's name was
Al Dente."

posted by OregonMuse at
11:29 AM
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