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June 14, 2018
European Nations Forming "Coalition of the Willing" to Protect Borders
Was Trump an aberration or simply a Distant Early Warning?
The latest round of unrest was significantly exacerbated earlier this week when Italy decided to turn away a ship carrying hundreds of refugees. That happened at the same time that Angela Merkel was facing a serious challenge to her open border policies from her own Interior Minister. Emmanuel Macron got in on the action, calling Italy’s decision “sickening.”
Now, in what appears to be a showdown between the open and closed border camps, officials from Austria and Italy have joined with Germany's Interior Minister to form what they’re referring to as an Axis of the Willing, which seeks to secure their nation’s borders and curb the flow of migrants. This is leading to something of a crisis of leadership in several countries and things are only heating up further now.
Putting further pressure on Angela Merkel and her Wilkommen, Morder policy is the last-minute thwarting of an ISIS-sympathizing immigrant to set off a risin WMD:
Steven Green collects some tweets from Germany-watchers who say Angela Merkel is "on the edge of a knife" as far as being deposed from office.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:50 PM
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