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WaPo Opinion: "There Will Be No Trump Collapse" »
June 11, 2018
The Morning Rant
Donny Two-Scoops will be filling in GP today, who has the day off.

"Look, Mrs. Merkel, I don't know who you think you're dealing with, but I'm telling you this borderless global world order garbage you're trying to sell me is a non-starter. That's just not happening. And you're trying to get America to fund it, too. Did George Soros tell you you could do that? That's rich. Well, we're not falling for it. You thought maybe you could roll me like Obama got rolled? Yeah, right. Just ask the Iranians, they had him over a barrel saying thank you as the mullahs pantsed him and poked him one after the other. He was a disgrace, a complete disgrace, and America is better off with him out of the picture. Oh, and the little runt spied on my campaign, you know that? I'll bet you didn't. Well, it's true. Anyway, from now on, I'm looking after America's interests first, and by America's interests, I don't mean the interests of the GOPe donor class and their cronies in the Chamber of Commerce. So I won't be signing on to any bad trade deals that do nothing but increase our unemployment and debt while you euro-commies reap the benefits. America is not the world's piggy bank. Those days are over. Bill Kristol is going to have to pay full price for his pool boy. No, don't listen to him, he's an idiot, a complete moron who is still living off of his daddy. So you can talk to the 'Stache here. He's a helluva guy. You may not like John, but you know something? He doesn't like you, either. I didn't bring him here to win a popularity contest. Come to think of it, John probably doesn't like me very much either. But we both of us love America, and that's what counts."
The New World Order:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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