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June 07, 2018
Samantha Bee's Dishonest, Defiant Non-Apology
She apologized to "women" generally and only really for distracting from her super-important message with profanity.
Um, I notice that the producer of the show didn't go on twitter to tell people to watch Samantha Bee for her super-important message.
He seems to have had in mind that people should tune in for an outrageous c-bomb directed against the left's enemies.
Indeed, this unfunny cashew-headed shapeless bridge-troll was quite insistent that she wasn't apologizing to the actual targets of her rage-- or any men.
Samantha Bee repeats Ivanka Trump apology but hits back at faux outrage
The late-night host expressed regret for her remark about the first daughter but said ‘I hate that this distracted from other issues’
Samantha Bee: 'I should have known that a potty-mouth insult would be more interesting to them than juvenile immigration policy.'
You did know that, you feckless cunt. In fact, you planned on it. The bullshit half-considered speech about immigration was the pretext for the c-word provocation -- the c-word was the whole point of the bit, with the stuff about immigration just thrown in to provide cover for it. The way old 1950s nudist films would attempt some bullshit narration about the anthropological interest in nudism.
Samantha Bee on Wednesday night apologized for her remark about Ivanka Trump last week -- but said she "hated that this distracted from other issues" and said that if men were offended by her use of the word, "I do not care".
She opened the show by saying: "A lot of people were offended and angry that I used an epithet to describe the president’s daughter and adviser last week. It is a word I have used on the show many times, hoping to reclaim it. This time, I used it as an insult. I crossed the line. I regret it. And I do apologize for that."
She went on: "Many men were also offended by my use of the word. I do not care about that."
Then she blamed Trump:
Bee expressed regret, too, that the uproar over her comments contributed "to the nightmare of news we’re white-knuckling through".
What's this bullshit about trying to "reclaim" the word?
Dana Loesch wasn't having it:
"Why in the world, out of all words to try to reclaim, would you try to reclaim that one?" Loesch marveled. "You don’t reclaim a word by using it in an insulting manner against another woman. That’s not reclaiming the word; that's joining along with the gang."
"She got what she wanted. She used this word because she wanted to be shocking. She wanted to expand her name recognition, and she did," Loesch scolded.
Loesch is right -- you reclaim a word like "queer" by using it a positive, friendly way, not be using it in the same insulting way it's always used.
Hey, maybe Roseanne Barr was just trying to "reclaim" ape references.
If if works for this lying whore, why not Roseanne?
PS, I'm trying to reclaim the slur "lying whore."

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:49 PM
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