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June 03, 2018
Is Chelsea Clinton A Feckless ****? Is Sally Field An Irrelevant ****?
I wish the Left would publish a damn instructional booklet on what is appropriate to say and what isn't appropriate these days.
Can men say c*nt with impunity? Or is the "C" word to be only used by Leftist "women" on Non-Leftist "women"?
Who can degrade homosexuals? African-American women? Who can degrade Jews? African-American Reverends? MSNBC stars Joy Reid and the Rev. Al Sharpton are unavailable for comment.
Who can illegally contribute to political candidates without consequences? Lesbians? Or conservatives? Just ask Dinesh D'Souza.
Are adult children of a president fair game for criticism? If so Would Chelsea Clinton qualify as a dumb feckless c*nt?
The Democrats have a favorite technique where they accuse Trump and the Republicans of some abuse that has been committed by the Democrats themselves. It just happened again. This time, the perpetrator is the heiress apparent to the Clinton Crime Family, Chelsea Clinton.
During an interview in the Guardian, Little Miss Chelsea said of Trump:
I don't agree with what he's doing to degrade what it means to be an American[.] ... I think that the way that our president and many people around him have not only mainstreamed hate, but mainlined it, is so deeply dangerous.
I guess if I was a Leftie, I could call poor little Chelsea a feckless c*nt? She was born into a family of crime and married into one as well. And she really doesn't have much to show for it.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
02:42 PM
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