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June 03, 2018
Weekend Gun Thread
I'm not mechanically inclined and have a hell of a time tinkering with objects. This service could help out folks like me.
When I first heard about the concept of having somebody come to my home to clean my guns, I thought, "Well, that's a nice idea for rich folks with more guns than time." But when High Caliber Weapons Detailing showed up to my apartment, I realized there's a lot more to it than that.
I'm not necessarily a man who hates cleaning his guns. I absolutely love the smell of Hoppe's 9. My BoreSnakes and Rem Cloth keep my guns in good shape with a nice sheen between deep cleans.
Once upon a time I accidentally dropped my Model 12 in a swamp out grouse hunting. It was totally filthy and almost unusable. I took it to my friendly firearms store and my gunsmith and had him clean it.
Is this a service you would use? Or would you just take your gun to a gunsmith?
I don't recall seeing these commercials on TV. But, I did own a couple of these. My how times have changed.
What the anti-gunners don't get. Gun owners don't support mass shootings.
Yesterday was kind of a rough day for me. Most of you don’t know and don’t care about my personal life, and that’s fine. I’m just some guy who writes about gun rights on the internet. You don’t need to know anything about me.
But this time, you might find my personal life a little interesting. It relates to why I get so damn furious when anti-gunners claim we somehow want to see people die in mass shootings, that we somehow don’t care.
For me, mass shootings aren’t just a thing that happens. They’re a little personal. It’s why a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School teacher absolutely infuriated me with this tweet
If I were an EMT and working in an unsafe area. You're damn right I would carry.
Granted it is only June. But, I'm putting this on my Christmas wish list right now.
Tips, stories, spare .357magnum cartridges and anti-raccoon artillery shells can be delivered to petmorons at gmail dot com.
Above fold photo h/t Hank Curmudgeon

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
07:28 PM
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