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Trump Pardons Dinesh D'Souza; Media, Get This, Freaks Out »
May 31, 2018
Samantha Bee, Feckless ****
There's a revolution brewing. People will not submit to a double-standard so blatant.
Bee is actually receiving an award for "advancing social change."
How does TBS justify this? Simple; it doesn't. It doesn't have to. No one in the media has asked them about it or made it an issue about which they must respond.
There will be consequences for this. People will not permit themselves to be made second or third class caste.
More: The media is not only not criticizing Bee -- it's praising her, linking her line as super-funny clickbait, and advertising her show for free.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:26 PM
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