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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
May 30, 2018
The Morning Report 5/30/18
Good morning kids. Midweek so let's get right to it, shall we? Yet again, the lead story is Spygate and the Mueller witch hunt cum coup attempt. Reports indicate that Sooper-Secret Sleeper AG Lemmon 714 may be a key witness in Robert Mueller's attempt to railroad the President with a trumped up obstruction of justice charge. It seems that during a meeting between he and Sessionszzzz last year, the President evidently wanted him to un-recuse himself as the first hints of FBI corruption in this whole thing started coming to light.
Meanwhile, the Left is in panic mode as is evidenced by their attempts to yet again paint the President as a liar; the term "Spygate" is starting to spread and resonate with a wider and wider swathe of the American people and the Democrat-Left-Media complex is desperate to discredit it. Witness Cuck Schemer's patently obvious marching orders to the propagandists via Twitter. I think it's too late. From conspiracy to collusion to obstruction of justice to indicting anyone and everyone for everything from putting gum under a seat to jaywalking has turned this whole thing into a farce. And it's had the effect of pissing off the voters and galvanizing them to the President. Even those with grudging support or at best indifference towards the President see this for the patently obvious and disgusting persecution that it is. No wonder the Left is freaking out over the un-redacting of evidence in the case; Andrew McCabe's $70,000 office conference table is hardly a national security secret.
Moving on, the smearing and fakery continue to be exposed, this time on the Amnesty front. In this case, it's the outright lies about keeping illegal alien kids in cages and the kefluffle over losing track of thousands of illegal alien children by the government. By the way, they were brought here courtesy of the Obama administration and then scattered all over the States as a way of seeding the ground for a follow-on invasion of their parents. And as we all know now, that shocking, horrible photo of caged kids was on Obama's watch, not PDT's. On a positive note, an ICE sweep nabbed 156 illegals in Chicago, which I thought was a sanctuary city. But the GOP is still hell bent on ramming through that insane discharge petition. But at a Nashville rally, the President reassured the enthusiastic crowd that Mexico was going to pay for the border wall, so doubtless if that bill ever does make it to his desk, it will be vetoed.
Speaking of Nashville, PDT did indeed wow the crowd by taking swipes at everyone from Obama and Hillary to McStains and Jay-Z. The good Roger Simon has the boxscore of the event, and I think taking everything into consideration, the tea leaves bode well for not only keeping control of the Senate and House but even making gains, despite the efforts of Ryno and McCoCBrother to sabotage it. And with that ad the RNC cut featuring Nancy Palsi tongue-kissing the animals of MS-13, I think that might result in supermajorities in both houses. Plus, the incredibly tone deaf (or maybe it was intentional?) billboard from a group that wants to, get this, "take out Steve Scalise." Sheesh. And economic news you won't see covered include the US regaining the top spot in global competitiveness, the tax cuts boosting the economy as well as the Chi-Coms being hit with a tariff on high tech and another economy-strangling greenhouse gas rule being nixed. Doubtless this too will have an effect come November.
Internationally, the President is talking up the preparations for the summit with Whoa, Fat but lest we forget that North Korea is still essentially a vast gulag. Over in the Middle East, Hamas launched a mortar attack on Israel causing the IDF to retaliate with airstrikes on Gaza. Not to worry because I also saw that Syria has been named to head the UN's conference on disarmament, which goes well with their being named last month to head it's commission on chemical weapons.
From hither and yon, as Starbucks closed its franchises to put employees into reeducation camp, Alveda King (niece of MLK) blasted them for their continued support of Planned Parenthood, quite a good essay on the disaster that is California, and two about the turbulent year of 1968; the case that Sirhan-Sirhan did not kill RFK and the great Roger Kimball about how we are very definitely still feeling the impact of '68 fifty years on.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Report: Sessionszzzz is Key Witness in Mueller Inquiry Into Trump Obstruction
- Cuck Schemer Orders Democrat-Media Complex to Cover Up Spygate
- Rush: Comey and Clapper Are Out Covering Up Spygate
- Andrew McCarthy Warns FBI "Informant" Was a Covert Spy
- Top Secret: FBI Redacted Cost of McCabe's Office Conference Table - $70,000
- Obama Says "I Didn't Have Scandals." So, What Are All These?
- PDT: Mexico is Going to Pay for the Wall and "They're Going to Enjoy It"
- ICE Sweep Nabs 156 Illegal Aliens for Deportation in Sanctuary City Chicago
- Hysteria Aside, Losing Track of Illegal Alien Kids Nothing New
- Court-Ordered News Blackout Lifted in Tommy Robinson Case
- Bay of Pics
- Lost Children? Detention Cages? Baby Prison Bus? PDT's Critics Will Believe Anything (except the truth - jjs)
- Trump and the Truth
- Benghazi Survivor Chris Paronto Rips Little Shitler Hogg with Tweet
- RNC Releases Brutal First Ad Featuring Palsi Pelosi Admiring MS-13
- Good Roger Simon: Trump Wows in Nashville
- GOP Control of House Threatened by Discharge Amnesty Petition
- MO Governor Eric Greitens Resigns Over Scandals (real or imagined - jjs)
- Group Behind "Impeachment Now" Billboard Aims to "Take Out Scalise"
- Israel Responds to Hamas Mortar Barrage with Air Strikes on Gaza
- PDT Praises Whoa, Fat's! "Solid Response" to Letter, Progress Toward "Expected Summit"
- Report: "Praying, Singing Hymns, Reading the Bible" Can Lead to Prison Camp in North Korea (here too, if the Left has its way - jjs)
- Why No NorK Summit Might Be Best Possible Outcome Right Now
- Farsi Fakery: Iranian Propaganda Responsible for Fake News Reports of Death of Saudi Crown Prince
- Germany, France and the EU
- US Levies $50 Billion Tariff on Chinese Tech Goods
- US Back to Number 1 in Competitiveness Ranking - Will PDT's Critics Ever Admit to Being Wrong?
- Economic Data from April Shows the Tax Cuts Are Working
- Cold Facts on Recidivism Undermine Case for Leniency Legislation
- The Battle Over Medicaid Work Requirements
- Obamacare Strikes Back
- 5 Ways States Are Expanding Obamacare
- Repeal of Ireland's Abortion Ban Marks a New Paganism
- DoT Repeals Enviro Rule Mandating States Comply with Greenhouse Gas Policy
- Greenfield: Why the Left Loves and Hates Science
- PDT Roasts Jay-Z Over "Filthy" Language
- Haven't the Obamas Made Enough Money?
- Starbucks Opens Door to Homeless, Drug Problems with Anti-Discrimination Recipe
- MLK's Niece to Starbucks: Stop Supporting Planned Parenthood
- The Invisible California: De Facto Apartheid World in the Golden State
- Who Killed Robert Kennedy?
- The Long March: Reckoning with 1968's "Cultural Revolution" 50 Years On