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May 29, 2018
More Reactions to the Roseanne Cancellation
BTW, I never treated Roseanne Barr as a "credible voice." She's a comedian, and has a history of being very erratic in her claims and beliefs.
I barely covered the Roseanne reboot story and never bothered to watch a single episode. (Which was a continuation of my policy regarding its first run.)
The only thing I found interesting in this was further evidence that Trump was a catalyst for a political realignment that was brewing for a while (Trump did not create the conditions necessary for the success of Trump; the Democrat Media Complex and the Corporate Class Republicans already did that; he just exploited it) and evidence that a lot of people -- not just ideologues and twitter addicts -- had just finally had it with the constant political-correctness speech patrols on both the left and right.
She was never any kind of thought leader to me, just some anecdotal evidence for the proposition that people are sick to death of being bullied by wannabe Judicial Priests meting out punishments in Twitter heresy courts.
But creating straw men arguments with which to scold, berate, and demean conservatives is really the NeverTrumper's only raison d'etre any more.
They do love their scolding.
It's hard to get them to scold a liberal, but man oh man, do their hearts start beating at the thought of scolding conservatives.
Shep just announced Rossanne's talent agency just fired her.
From Kreplach. If this claims is wrong, blame him.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:05 PM
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