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May 29, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Do you want to know how you get more Trump? This is how you get more Trump!
I have no doubt that the organizers had the best of intentions, and were simply trying to speed things along. But it is the culmination of 50 years of careful, insidious denigration of American Exceptionalism, patriotism, tradition, love of country that creates in some the mindset that skipping our country's National Anthem is okay.
Crowd at Fresno County Softball Game Sings National Anthem After Announcer Said It Would Not Be Played
Fans at a California softball tournament weren't happy when an official announced that the National Anthem would not be played before Friday's game, so they took matters into their own hands and started singing.
Every time I read a Reason article and think, "Well, they are making some sense...maybe they have put down the bongs for good," something like this article gets posted on their site and I realize that they truly are a bunch of idiot stoners without any perspective or wisdom or ability to look beyond their preconceived notions.
Will McCain-Style Conservatism Live On?
Domestically, McCain has mostly been the opposite of the libertarian Goldwater (which helps explain the frosty relationship that persisted between the two), championing intrusive federal interventions in everything from political advertising to athletes' use of performance-enhancing drugs. When the financial crisis hit during the last weeks of the his second presidential race, in 2008, he was long on gestures—showily suspending his campaign—but short on coherent ideas.
In other words, he is a liberal who likes foreign intervention. Which in Reason's clouded mind makes him a conservative. Or something. Dude, where's the last bag of Cheetos?
I'm no fan of Elon Musk and his rent-seeking scam called Tesla Motors, but his rockets are wonderful, so I hope this shit backfires, and this blue-checked media whore gets fired.
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posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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