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May 25, 2018
The Morning Rant

"Hey, I just heard that the Fox TV network is bringing back Tim Allen's show Last Man Standing. New episodes will be aired in the fall. About freaking time. LMS was an oasis in a vast desert of liberal smug. Allen says that since his character is marketing director of a sporting goods store, they're going to have to take on the gun control debate. About freaking time for that, too. Maybe this will be one show that won't let the progressive storm troopers run Hogg wild with it. At least, that's what I hope."
For Your Consideration:

AG Sessions gets a lot of grief here at the HQ, and I admit I've piled on myself a few times. So I have to remember that perhaps I've gotten accustomed to the Obama administration's constant tooting their own horns about pretty much everything they claimed to have been doing and realize that DJT's administration is completely different. I have permitted myself a small bit of optimism here.
(h/t ThunderB)
Also read this thread. Nobody messes with Donny Two-Scoops. Nobody.
Yes, That's Why We Elected Him, You Ignorant Twit:
Dumbest Non-Sally Kohn Tweet of 2018 (So Far):
Only In Florida:
False zombie alert in Florida City:
The message was sent during a power outage at about 1:45 a.m., but it also warned of “zombie alert for Lake Worth and Terminus,” potentially referencing the city in the zombie TV show “The Walking Dead.”
“We are looking into reports that the system mentioned zombies,” Ben Kerr, the city’s public information officer, said in the post.
“I want to reiterate that Lake Worth does not have any zombie activity currently and apologize for the system message.”
I notice the city spokesman did not address the cannibal situation in Terminus. Hmmm..
(h/t josephistan)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:24 AM
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