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May 18, 2018
#Resistance Operator Who Illegally Leaked Michael Cohen's Banking Records Scrambles For an Alibi
Ronan Farrow spoke to the self-claimed "whistleblower" who illegally leaked Michael Cohen's confidential government banking records to the media. The story -- the alibi -- claimed was that these records appeared to be missing and she feared that Trump was trumpishly deleting the evidence.
Um, and yet, she had the evidence in her hands? Yeah that's right -- because the database where she claims the reports were being deleted from was just one place where the records were stored.
So already, this story -- or alibi, because, remember, it's obviously, flagrantly illegal for a government employee to riffle through someone's confidential financial records and leak them to the press to embarrass and harm that person -- is fishy.
But now the story changes again. Because it now appears the records weren't even deleted -- they were simply restricted as far as who could access them.
Gee, why would anyone think to restrict these records? I mean, sure, a member of #LaResistance illegally leaked them, but that's no reason to keep these records out of the hands of mid-level bureaucratic losers, right?
It's possible that a higher-up in the Treasury department restricted access to the records, understanding full well that bureaucrats are now in insurrection against the government that gives them a paycheck. It's also possible that Mueller restricted access, or the US Attorney investigating him, because the records are evidence they're looking into.
Either way, the "Whistleblower" defense -- which already sounded like bullshit to me, a claim made to avoid jail -- seems off the table.
The media made all these claims, right along side their "whistleblower" fellow #Resistance cell member.
And they'd do it again in a heartbeat.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:30 PM
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