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May 17, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
What a lovely combination of virulent anti-Americanism, anti-Western culture, and let us not forget the savage anti-Semitism. This is the tone on many college campuses today, and it is cheered and celebrated by the Left. It's roots are even deeper than the chaos of the 1960s...I blame the Soviet Union for its 100 year disinformation campaign against the West's philosophical foundations.
It's All Relative, but Islam Is Best, Says George Mason U. Prof.
At the 2018 Middle East Dialogue conference at Washington DC’s Whittemore House last month, George Mason University Professor Darrell Norman Burrell whitewashed Islamism and exaggerated Islam’s role in American culture. His “Islamophobia” lecture reflected the gathering’s sometimes ahistorical radical chic that political commentator Mark Bruzonsky captured succinctly in earlier remarks. Together, their willful distortions of reality offered a microcosm of systemic moral and intellectual problems besetting Middle East studies.
Declaring Hamas leaders are “more dignified, more thoughtful, more aware of history” than popularly perceived, Bruzonsky also claimed that “Jewish Zionist ideology . . . is the real reason we don’t have peace.” Recalling his meeting with Hamas leaders Abu Marzook and Ahmed Yousef, he noted bitterly that it took place before the “Israeli lobby got Hamas declared a terrorist organization.” Burrell himself could have written Bruzonsky’s outlandish conclusion: “The problem is not Palestinian rejectionism; the problem is Jewish and American rejectionism.”
The attacks against Israel and Jews are part traditional anti-Semitism of the Left, and because Israel is the tip of the spear pointed at Islam, which is the vanguard of the attempt to destroy Western culture and philosophy, with its attendant pluralism and freedom and self determination. The Left is content to dismiss its own existential threat from militant Islam, as long as it can be used as a weapon against Judeo-Christian culture.
It's actually worse than the headline.
British Doctor Accidentally Decapitates Baby
In addition to the horrors of a third world medical system in a (sort of) first world country, this story exposes the success of a generations-long attempt to make the English people into compliant sheep. And don't be fooled; they are trying it here too.
In most medical offices and other facilities patients are addressed by their first names, and treated as if they were lumps of meat. Push back against that! Insist on privacy. Insist upon being addressed appropriately. Insist that you be treated like a human being who is owed respect and dignity.
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11:00 AM
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