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May 15, 2018
Hillary Clinton, Drunk on Truthjuice: A Very Big Minority of the US Population Is Sexist About Women Seeking Power
Tell me again, NeverTrumpers, that we would have been better off with this lunatic obsessive and vindictive drunk in power.
During a sit-down in Australia, Hillary Clinton reflected on what may have been responsible for her defeat in the 2016 election.
"There is still a very large proportion of the population that is uneasy with women in positions of leadership," Clinton said, "and so the easiest way to kind of avoid having to look at someone on her merits is to dismiss her on her looks."
The easiest way is actually to point out that such a candidate is a serial liar, perjurer, and grifter who created an "entirely new model of 'charity'" which chiefly consisted of bundling million+ donations with half-million plus personal speaking fees.
Gillard had told Clinton that she was referred to as a "witch" and mentioned how Clinton faced "lock her up" chants during the campaign.
Neither of those are about your looks. "Lock her up" was said because, see, you're an unapprehended serial criminal.
"Witch" does not reference your looks, because witches, in the popular conception, are skinny to the point of gauntness, not fat as a beertruck, like you are.
Also, witches can fly. You can barely elevate yourself on a staircase with two bodyguards/medial support staff helping to carry half of your weight.
So "witch" refers to your character, Chubs.
"There is this fear, there is this anger, even rage about women seeking power, women exercising power and people fall back on these attacks like you’re a witch or you should go to prison," Clinton continued. "It's not a majority, thank goodness, it's not, but it's a very vocal minority at least in my country. And sometimes these tropes are very much part of the press coverage."
Yes, I'm sure CNN called you ugly and fat routinely.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:00 PM
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