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May 14, 2018
Finally: "Cuck: The Film"
A Weekly Standard Joint.
Say aren't there already a lot of "Cuck: The Film" projects on YouPorn?
Cuckolding is getting the Hollywood treatment, or so it seems according to the official website for "Cuck: The Film", the latest from the production group Rimrock Pictures.
Not much can be discerned from the film's official website, other than it seems to be directed by Rob Lambert, the director behind a number of indie releases.
A quote from German philosopher Immanuel Kant is also on the homepage: "If man makes himself a [worm] he must not complain when he is trodden on."
The DC had a typo where they said "word" instead of "worm."
Here's the FaceBook page. As of right now, it's safe for work. I have no idea what they might do later. But it is FaceBook, so I guess they have to keep it relatively clean.
Bill Kristol will be having a viewing party for his closest friends and studs.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:25 PM
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