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May 11, 2018
Gimmie an O! Gimmie a N! Gimmie a T!
Did you know that living in an area which has lots of cold weather can make you a bit loopy by springtime? At least, that's what I'm gathering from the weather feed of the Edmonton Journal.
She Seems Sane
Woman accused of stalking Paradise Valley man she met online; sent him 65,000 text messages
I met my wife online, we've been married 16 years this July. I doubt she's sent me a quarter of that many messages in all that time. 65,000 messages? She should have written a book instead.
Manning Up
Last week a clip went viral of a man mocking a little Orthodox Jewish boy, maybe 6 years old, for his traditional haircut. There was a huge backlash, and in response this man:
A) Doubled down on the insults
B) Defended himself by saying “It's just a joke”
C) Claimed victimhood status for himself
D) Made an honest and heartfelt apology for what he had done
The answer? D) Made an honest and heartfelt apology for what he had done. Good for him. I mean that, seriously, good for him. Everyone fucks up now and then, the measure of the man is found in how he responds to his fuck up. He even went back to the Jewish community to make amends. They invited him to dinner.
And that, boys and girls, is what it means to be a mensch.
Womanning Up?
Fitzgerald officer of the deck pleads guilty at court-martial
I never served in the Navy, so there's a lot here I am not qualified to comment on, but at the very least it seems to me that we had an exhausted crew, an inexperienced officer, with inadequate training, who ignored the standing orders of the ship, along with a watch crew who did not properly back her up, and as a result seven sailors lost their lives. Still, from the article, she never denied that the responsibility was hers and that she failed. She also got a tattoo of “the coordinates of the ship at that moment, framed by the phrase “Protect Your People” above it and seven clovers beneath it.” Seems to me that she wants to make sure she never forgets what she was responsible for.
This is my shocked face.
Forget About the Flood
I wanna know who built that fence.
Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like the Bee
The Babylon Bee, that is. Cutting-edge satire as good as anything The Onion does, but from a Christian POV.
“Calvinist Dog Corrects Owner: ‘No One Is A Good Boy,’”
“Joel Osteen Apologizes For Using Lord’s Name In Sermon”
“Satan Sprinkles A Few More Stegosaurus Bones Across Nation To Test Christians’ Faith”
Well, Now they've written a book, and it's not just a collection of web articles. If you're looking for humor from Christian perspective, How to Be a Perfect Christian: Your Comprehensive Guide to Flawless Spiritual Living is probably the book for you.
Hero Cop
There's a man who remembers that the job is “To protect and serve” and not any of the post-modern bullshit so many police forces spout these days.
Related: Smartphone Device Shows Mothers Their Babies' Ultrasounds
The butchers at Planned Parenthood hate ultrasounds, especially 3D ones, because seeing one makes the humanity of the baby hard to deny. How wonderful if every expectant mother could see their unborn child just by downloading an app.
It's a Scientific Fact That the Sidewalk is Either Wet or Dry
9 Signs That You're An Ambivert
I've got it Dr. Coddington! Let's come up with a name for the excluded middle where most people fall, and get a research grant to study it!
The Wipeout of Obama’s Legacy
Can We All Finally Admit Trump Is A Good President?
Tonight's ONT brought to you by the Queen:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:41 PM
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