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May 10, 2018
Are Donald Trump, Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle Dating?
The NY Post's Page 6 says yeah.
Amid his divorce from his wife of 12 years, Donald Trump Jr. has started dating stunning Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Multiple sources exclusively tell Page Six that Don Jr. and Guilfoyle, a co-host of "The Five," have been dating for a few weeks, as his divorce from Vanessa Trump proceeds.
Speaking of Kimberly Guilfoyle, she says she's spoken to a fifth victim of Eric Schneiderman's sexual violence, and there are medical records to back it up.
"I've been working with one of the victims of Eric Schneiderman and her horrific ordeal that she endured at his hands," Guilfoyle said. She continued, "She too was also very afraid to come forward and to tell her story which is unbelievably harrowing and compelling. And she is not one of the four that are mentioned in this New Yorker piece."
Oh, and related: Hillary henchcreature Phillipe Reines basically mocked Donald Trump, Jr. as a cuck, claiming his soon-to-be-ex-wife often fantasized about an ex-boyfriend.
I don't mind some salty insults in politics. What I do mind is the left's, and the media's (but I repeat myself), constant habit of playing the Shock Jock insult artist one day and then reverting to the pose of sugar-wouldn't-melt-in-their-mouths Saints of Sanctimony the next day.
Is the "cuck" insult alt-right and Nazi? If it is, is Phillipe Reines alt-right and Nazi for playing with the trope? Will he and his fellow travelers continue calling people alt-right Nazis for using an insult they use themselves?
Choose one lane, assholes.
By the way, Phillipe Reines seems to have a habit of using sexualized language in insults -- to women as well as men.
From the Washington Post's review of NYT reporter Amy Chozick's memoir about covering Team Hillary. Hillary's "Guys" are not named, but are referred to by cutesy codenames each containing the word "Guy:"
The undercurrent of sexism spills over when Chozick and Original Guy spar over whether a prior conversation can go on the record, and he randomly paraphrases a crude line from "Thank You for Smoking," a 2005 film in which a reporter sleeps with a lobbyist for information. "I didn't know I had to say it was off the record when I was inside you," Original Guy smirks. ("The words hung there," Chozick recalls, "so grossly gynecological.")
Chozick doesn't name him but later cites a Times story by Maggie Haberman revealing that Original Guy served as the Trump stand-in during Clinton's debate preparation. "Hmmm, wherever will Hillary find a manipulative, sometimes-charming, often hilarious, possible sociopath?" Chozick muses. I won't out Original Guy here, except to say that his name rhymes with 'Philippe Reines.'"
Strange that news of Hillary's "Guys'" sexism was embargoed until after she was no longer politically useful to the left.
Just like they suppressed news of Hillary Clinton's hard-drinking ways, and of course still haven't explained why they dutifully omitted Hillary's boozy ways from their reports, and even suggested it was a "conspiracy theory."

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:39 PM
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