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May 08, 2018
Obese Froghemoth April D. Ryan, Whose Overflowing Chinfat Resembles a Partially Deflated Donut Tire Fished Out of a Swamp, Trashes Melania Trump As Not "Culturally American"
You know, I don't disagree entirely -- I think you have to be in the country for quite a while before you're really fully American in the bones.
I also think you can be born and bred in America but choose to be culturally unamerican -- like Barack Obama is.
But I think April D. Ryan would shriek from the rooftops if one suggested that illegal aliens weren't "culturally American," even though they're neither legally American nor culturally American, and would scream murder if you observed that other legal recent arrivals aren't fully "culturally American," and she'd say that the idea of Barack Obama being intellectually/ideologically antiamerican was a racist Outrage so racist that she just can't even with the just can't evening.
Yet here she is accusing someone of a different race of not being "culturally American."
Must be great to be of the Privileged Caste that enjoys full speech rights.
Meanwhile, Melania's anti-bullying speech was greeted with, get this, media bullying.
People Magazine decides to euphemize this bullying as "roasting," despite the common definition of "roasting" being a friendly, convivial thing done to get laughs but not cut too deep. Usually it's done by friends or fans.
Plainly, the media is neither friend nor fan of Melania Trump.
The media is calling out Melania for failing to mention her husband's "bullying" of the media -- but the media seems to fail just as hard at mentioning its own constant 24/7/364 bullying.
Oh wait -- it's "roasting" when they do it. Or "speaking truth to power," despite the media being extremely powerful.
And speaking of not being culturally American -- Hillary Clinton made a joke that wasn't really a joke that she had given "serious thought" to leaving America. People make "jokes" about things they can't say seriously a lot, and we know Hillary Clinton's extremely uncharitable estimation of the American people -- she has a new outburst about how awful we are every week.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:46 PM
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