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May 08, 2018
Mitt Romney Has Some Unconventional Opinions And He's Not Afraid to Share Them
And some other stuff from Twitter:
Lunatic Louise Mensch says that #MeToo was created by RUSSIA to take out important conservative voices like Al Franken and Eric Schneiderman:
Check out this thread to see more of her ravings. She vows that, "like Comey," Schneiderman will "be there" for their final victory over Trump, by which I think she means they'll be back in office.
You'll not be surprised to know that #FakeConservative liberal John Kasich is, like Jennifer Rubin and all the other liberals that have acted as embedded saboteurs in our party for 40 years, reversed himself completely on the Iran Deal:
Oh, here's Jen Rubin:
Even the highly cuckable John Podhoretz tweets this out negatively, saying "The turn is now complete."
#MuhEternalPrinciples and #MuhSacredDuty and all that.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:14 PM
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