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EMT 05/05/18 »
May 04, 2018
May the Fourth Be With The ONT
Yes, it's May the 4th, a day which all Star Wars geeks look forward to so they can giggle over a stupid pun. Quick quiz, to test your Star Wars chops: Which of the following is Darth Vader, and which is Billy Joel?
May the Farce Be With You
Star Wars: ranking Every Movie From Worst to Best
Any list that claims “What Rian Johnson did next was both the brave and correct thing — he made an entirely different type of movie. Where Force Awakens drew on the past, The Last Jedi moulded Star Wars’ future. It’s unravelling of the force through the lens of spirituality and mysticism was a distinctly contemporary and absorbing move.” is full of shit.
Lord Vader, We've Located the Rebel Bass!
Gah! Enough already,
Fear is the Path to the Dark Side
Springfield Armory Cuts Off Dick's
No, that is not the title they used for the article. Yes, it absolutely should have been. Talk about missed opportunities.
A More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
Ace covered the story of Michael Caputo, a former Trump communications adviser
who is being financially ruined by the Mueller witch hunt. This week he blew up at Democratic Senate aides with this memorable quote:
'I want to know who cost us so much money, who crushed our kids, who forced us out of our home, all because you lost an election. I want to know because God Damn you to Hell.'
He's been forced to sell his house to cover his legal bills. Well, a GoFundMe was set up to help him out, and in just a couple of days $150K has been raised. Score one for the millions of little guys over the DC swamp.
Your Focus Determines Your Reality
Reunion Recalls Orphanage`s Atmosphere Of Love
I suppose that a loving family is the best atmosphere to raise a child in, and our foster system does attempt to create that, but you'd have to have your head stuck in the sand to not know that there are lots of problems with it. On the other hand, as the story above illustrates, the orphanage system wasn't always a Victorian Oliver Twist nightmare either.
Wars Not Make One Great
I've Got a Bad Feeling About This
My wife’s girlfriend moved in with us, and balancing work, life, and leisure has never gone better.
The mating call of the soy-boy cuck.
So This is How Liberty Dies…With Thunderous Applause
Prof compares charter schools to Jim Crow, Bill Ayers agrees
Trump's approval rating among black men doubled this week to 22%. It's also up, although not as much, among black women. This, along with Kanye West, has to have the Democratic overseers terrified. If 25% of the black population moves off of the Democrat plantation, the Dems are DONE as a national party.
Truly Wonderful, the Mind of a Child Is
Progressives can’t remodel the country through politics—and it’s making them miserable.
It's Not My Fault!
Click on the tweet and read the whole story. It's funny AF.
The DAWWWWW is Strong With This One.
Mind Tricks Don’t Work On Me
On another front of the Democrat war to hold onto their slaves subjects, this week saw a resurgence of the despicable lie that somehow the parties “switched sides” after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It's always been a lie, here's a fairly concise debunking.
The Party of Civil Rights
Tonight's ONT brought to you by milk:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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