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May 04, 2018
Department of Education Dismissing Nuisance Suits by the Bushelfull
Sigh. I wish we could have done the Christian Moral Thing and elected Hillary Clinton.
The Education Department's Office for Civil Rights has begun dismissing hundreds of civil rights complaints under a new protocol that allows investigators to disregard cases that are part of serial filings or that they consider burdensome to the office.
Department officials said the new policy targeted advocates who flooded the office with thousands of complaints for similar violations, jamming its investigation pipeline with cases that could be resolved without exhausting staff and resources.
Among the changes implemented immediately is a provision that allows the Office for Civil Rights to dismiss cases that reflect "a pattern of complaints previously filed with O.C.R. by an individual or a group against multiple recipients," or complaints "filed for the first time against multiple recipients that" place "an unreasonable burden on O.C.R.'s resources."
So far, the provision has resulted in the dismissal of more than 500 disability rights complaints.
According to the Education Department, 41 percent of the 16,720 complaints filed in the 2016 fiscal year came from three people. The next year, of the 12,837 total cases, 23 percent of them did.
The department calls the complainants "frequent fliers."
So Molly DeVos is defanging the Title IX Kangaroo Courts and dismissing complaints from people who literally file thousands and thousands of ticky-tack complaints every year.
But you should have voted for Hillary Clinton, you #FakeChristians.
Hey, that's not me saying so; that's grandstanding sanctimonious c**t David French saying that.
Apparently it's not Christians' chief mission in the world to accept Christ and try to follow his example, and lead others to Christianity. Nor is it Christians' highest political priority to oppose abortion or encroachments upon their own ability to freely worship their god.
No, according to French, a Christian's primary duty is to Ostentatiously Pour Moral Condemnation on Trump, doing so in a public place so that others might see you praying and showing off your own alleged morality.
That doesn't sound quite right to me.
But what do I know. I'm not as moral as this strutting, preening peacock.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:48 PM
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