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May 03, 2018
Comey: The NRA "Sells Fear" to Keep Us From Imposing Common Sense Gun Grabbing Laws
I keep hearing this guy is a "Republican."
It should be noted that "DC Republican" isn't the same as a real Republican.
Fish drink the water they swim in, don't they?
Also, I've noticed that many government Republicans have a faith in government's capacity to re-make people for the better nearly equal to liberals'. I imagine this is a matter of self-selection as well as ego -- everyone tends to believe the groups they're in are the Best Groups with the Greatest Capacity to Do Good. And government Republicans tend have a greater faith in their fellow, mostly-liberal coworkers that non-government Republicans just don't share.
Former FBI director James Comey criticized the National Rifle Association during a book-tour appearance in Miami Wednesday, arguing that the group of "sells fea"” to gun owners to ward off popular support for restrictions on gun rights.
Asked what policies he would support to prevent mass shootings like the one that claimed 17 lives in Parkland earlier this year, Comey said he would support "reasonable restrictions" on gun ownership but declined to provide specifics.
The FBI director-turned-author recounted the experience of being held at gunpoint by a home invader in high school in explaining his nominal support for the Second Amendment, but firmly rejected the argument that any modification to current gun laws would lead to a total ban on gun ownership.
"It's not a slippery slope, it's a concrete set of stairs built by America's founders," he said. "Let's have these conversations standing there, holding the rails."

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:48 PM
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