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April 27, 2018

The Morning Report 4/27/18


Good morning kids. The weekend is here and there's a boatload of things to cover so let's get down to it. Before we do, something just struck me in that many of these links are interrelated and interconnected, primarily in a (for lack of a better word at this hour) philosophical sense. In that regard, I'm now breaking out the Firs Amendment into its own category aside and apart from the Culture Wars since the efforts on many fronts to silence voices of opposition has ramped up to eleventy-leven. You'll probably see what I'm getting at as you scan the links, but for the sake of being an annoying oberchochem (Yiddish for "know-it-all"), I'll point it out as I get to the examples.

First up, and to me this is kind of a big effin' deal, Kim Jong-Un, whom we affectionately refer to around here as Whoa, Fat! made history by actually crossing over the 38th Parallel into South Korea to meet with that country's president Moon Jae-in. And just yesterday, photos were released showing our now official new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meeting with Kim. Now, as incredible and perhaps unimaginable as this all seemed even up until a few short months ago, history dictates we should be very wary of what the North is up to. And as I linked to, a number of NorK defectors are also extremely wary of this move. But the optics are what they are. And they're pretty incredible. If, and this is a very big if, Kim is sincere about rapprochement, there is only one reason and one man that made it happen (hint: it's not Madeleine Albright).

And here's the first of my parallels; what we are witnessing with l'affaire Kanye West. You can poo-poo it all you want but for someone of his fame and status amongst the Afro-American and youth community, stepping of the Democrat-Left plantation and seemingly thinking for himself is also a big 'effin deal. Would this have happened if, say, Ted Cruz or G-d forbid the big bad Bollard was President? Who can say? But it did happen with Trump as president, and more importantly, with what his policies are doing for American blacks in contrast to what Leftist-Dem policy has done since at least 1965.

Moving right along to the Mueller witch hunt. In the stupid/risible section, lanky lying pillock James Comey has hit the interview circuit and the more he opens his cake-hole, the more he embarrasses himself. Does he really think that he can claim the GOP authored the Steele Dossier just because the Washington Free Beacon hired Fusion GPS to do opposition research early on in the 2016 campaign? They released them way before Trump was even the nominee and they were not retained to fabricate evidence to be used to snooker (wittingly or unwittingly) a FISA court out of an illegal wiretap to get at Trump once he got the nomination. Keep talking, jerk-o. And that goes for the DNC, since their laughable lawsuit against the Trump campaign and Russia(!) will lead to a discovery process - pause to savor the ironic double-meaning of that word - that will expose some very interesting miscreants and misdeeds on their side. More crucially, Snoozy McSnooerson's DoJ is finally coughing up Strzok and Pages text messaging so we shall see what other things beside mushy Barbara Cartland-esque love notes and virtual bodily fluids were exchanged. Stay tuned. Oh, and if you want a real rage-Strzok, let's here it for Chuck Grassley and his fellow stooges on the Senate Buffoonery Committee who, despite the absolute mountain of evidence that this entire thing is sham of a mockery of a kangaroo court of two mockeries of an injustice, just passed a completely unconstitutional bill essentially stripping the President of his legal authority to fire Mueller. Thank goodness the Ethics Committee at least came down hard on Bob Melendez (/sarc). Death to the GOP. That is all.

On to the battle for free speech where Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, aka Diamond and Silk, gave as good as they got in front of a House committee investigating their claims about social(ist) media's censorship/political persecution of them over their support for PDT. What sickened me was to have imbecilic scum like Sheila Jackass-Lee and Hakeem Jefferies snare them in a "gotcha" moment over the fact that they denied being paid a few shekels by the Trump Campaign back in 2016. And even if they were, so f**king what? They were proudly and openly supporting the campaign. Everyone with half a braincell knew it from watching their videos for more than 10 seconds at a stretch. You want to know what's disgusting? Aside from Jerrold Nadler's mere presence, which suffice it to say resembles a coagulated mass of rotting lipids oozing out of a rumpled Mens Wearhouse discount rack suit, his utter hypocrisy in loudly declaring that the claims of social media censoring conservatives is a hoax while taking a payoff from Google to the tune of over $20,000, is just beyond belief. Finally, California wants to ban books written by ex-gays. I almost put this one in the Islam section as it kind of fits on a couple of levels. Sheesh.

In politics, as my BP settles down from Grassley, it seems that there is a serious internecine war between the left hand and far left hand of the Democrats. With Nancy Palsi being called a liar by a Texas Democrat and demands that Steny Hoyer step down for attempting to rig the Colorado primary, I can't see a Blue Wave happening come November. But I'm sure the GOP-wing of the Democrats will come to their rescue. *puke*

Interesting links in the Islam section, most notably a new play in the Czech Republic is all the rage; it depicts Jesus as a rapist of Muslim women. Weird because I thought the Left has confirmed Jesus to be gay? Well, at least they didn't make him an evil "Joo." Wait, that ain't right.

Speaking of things flying off of roofs, that champion of gay rights Cory Booker demonstrated his boner-fides by of course voting against Mike Pompeo for his supposed views on homosexuality, and then really burnished his rainbow flag waving credentials by voting against PDT's openly gay nominee for ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell. See Nadler, Jerrold for slimy hypocrites.

From hither and yon, parents are rebelling against the mass child abuse being forced on their kids via sex ed films that are two steps removed from John C. Holmes' and Seka's Swedish Erotica, in the wake of the Bill Cosby verdict the phony marble-mouthed propagandist Tom Brokaw is the latest to be outed as sharing Matt Lauer's locksmith and Daniel Greenfield has a good essay about Democrat - you guessed it - hypocrisy with the #MeToo movement (see Ace's thread on this from last night too)

Lastly, for Alfie Evans' doctor, there isn't a Hell hot enough. Bastard.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

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posted by at 07:33 AM

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