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April 27, 2018
Joy Reid's #Hacked Claims Are Falling Apart
As John Sexton reports, even liberal outlets are calling bullshit on Joy Reid's claims, and not just on general principles -- her claims have no evidence behind them and the "proofs" of #Hacking she's offered are falling apart.
One claim of #Hacking she made was that one blog post was made during her show, and it's impossible to post while doing a show.
Um, Jake Tapper DMd me in a back-and-forth to argue about his show while his show was on the air.
I had asked on Twitter if he was ever going to ask Democrats why they were claiming the "election was hacked," since he likes posing as someone who is against conspiracy theories and fake news. Except when Democrats are spreading them.
In a DM, while he was on the air, he asked what the source for my claim that Democrats were saying the election itself was hacked, and I told him: Hillary Clinton just said it.
He said, Where is she supposed to have said this?, and I told him:
It was just on your show. Right now. One minute ago. Before the commercial break. The package you announced had your reporter playing back video of Hillary giving a speech where she claimed "the election was hacked."
I further told him: You literally just did a quick back-and-forth with the reporter who filed this video report. You just talked about it.
This is why I say Jake Tapper spends all day in people's Twitter DMs attempting to spin his reputation. Dude was so fucking into arguing with me in DMs he was DMing me during his own damn show and missing the very news I was asking him about, because he was too busy giving me grief in my DMs.
He was watching my fucking Twitter feed instead of his own damn news show. Had he actually been watching the news package he'd just introduced instead of scanning Twitter for negative mentions, he might have seen the very news I was asking about.
Because I wasn't quite at war with him at that time, I said something conciliatory like No big deal, I know, you've got a lot of balls in the air.
But I didn't mean it. Dude, watch your own fucking show instead of arguing with critics in DMs.
Anyway, you can post while you're doing a live show. And the post that Joy Reid supposedly couldn't possibly post while her show was on was a loose-thought toss off consisting of thirty off-the-top of her head words.
Her lawyer, asked if there were any other examples of such Impossible Posts, admitted he hadn't found any.
So she's lying. And not only is she lying: she's got the FBI investigating her false claims.
Which could be illegal, if the FBI ever decides to prosecute liberals like conservatives.
People keep saying she shouldn't be fired for unpopular opinions.
Well, she's supposed to be a journalist, isn't she? Aren't journalists supposed to tell the truth? Isn't that what they're always telling us? Isn't that why they're supposedly better than other citizens who, presumably, just lie all the time?
If she's lying -- which she is -- she should be fired.
Unless journalists want to admit that lying is an important part of their tradecraft -- which would be fine with me.
Meanwhile, additional tidbits have turned up in her blog-- I mean, her #Hacked blog, of course.
Like Joy Reid saying that in the Rosie O'Donnell vs. Trump feud -- way back from 2007 -- she was on Team Trump, baby!
Now, this is a leftwing woman -- what reason would she have to back Trump, except for poisonous racist #homophobia?
In a January 9th [2007] blog post, Reid weighed in on the celebrity feud between "The View" host O'Donnell and Trump. Earlier in the feud, Trump had called O'Donnell "a real loser," a "slob" with a "fat, ugly face," and "fat little Rosie."
Nonetheless, the liberal pundit was on Team Donald.
"How much longer until that chubbed-out shrew Rosie O'Donnell gets her fat ass canned by Babwa?" Reid asked, in an imitation of "The View" co-host Barbara Walters' first name.
"How much longer will the freak show that is ‘The View' continue to darken our television screens?" she continued. "How much more kick-ass funny can Donald Trump be???"
Indeed, Joy. Indeed.
Whoops: I had that MKH/Sanctimony thread posted with tomorrow's date, so the last two posts actually posted beneath it. If you didn't see them, they're below.
Sorry, I guess I took a page from Hillary Clinton and decided that it has to be Drunk O'Clock somewhere in the world.
posted by Ace of Spades at
07:32 PM
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