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April 26, 2018
Gary Kleck was Wrong.
He estimated 2.2 million defensive gun uses annually, and was properly derided for it by the gun-grabbers, who claimed only 100k uses per year.
Turns out the CDC did a survey for 3 years, 1996 thru '98. Somehow they forgot to publish the data.
They asked a very clear question:
“During the last 12 months, have you confronted another person with a firearm, even if you did not fire it, to protect yourself, your property, or someone else?”
So, contrary to Kleck's wild supposition of 2.2 million uses, it turns out he was off by an astounding 300 thousand uses!!!
According to the CDC, there are 2.5 million uses of guns for defensive purposes.
So congrats, all you common-sense, sciencytific luvin lugnuts. You called it. Kleck was wrong. Granted, you were off by a slightly worse 2.4 million uses, and if that number were reported by the MSM it would completely destroy your arguments for "gun control".
But you can rest easy, secure in the comfort that the MSM will never report these numbers.

posted by krakatoa at
12:18 PM
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