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Gary Kleck was Wrong. »
April 26, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Thomas Sowell points out, in "Economic Facts And Fallacies," that "The percentage of black families with incomes below the poverty line fell most sharply between 1940 and 1960," and the pace of the decline slowed in the 1970s. He also points out that the movement of Blacks from agricultural work to white collar occupations doubled between 1940 and 1960...before the Civil Rights act of 1964.
I'm not holding my breath waiting for this tectonic shift, but any rational analysis of the Democrat policies with respect to Black America reveals a damning generation-spanning policy of contempt, manipulation and overt destruction of what was once a success story. The problem is that the Democrat party is marvelous at decoupling their own policies from their campaign messaging.
Until the Republican establishment learns how to connect the Democrats with the failure of Black America, and more importantly offers its own better alternative, it will continue to lose urban America.
[a gentle reminder: this is not an opportunity for Ace's nonexistent secret racist friends to declaim their opinions]
This is a nice breakdown of the arrogance, contempt, and just plain bitchiness of Carten Z. Turner, who is identified in this article as a (former!) Port Authority commissioner, but is also a former official with Hillary Clinton's national finance team and a co-chairman of the Financial Committee for Ready for Hillary.
I for one am surprised that an upstanding Democrat party operative and Hillary Clinton supporter would behave in such a shocking manner.
The 16 most appalling moments from the astonishing Port Authority commish's viral video
I could have told you this. In fact I have known this since I was about 12-years old.
Staring at boobs is just one of six easy ways men can live longer
By the way, Ace's sidebar comment about feminists and their flaunting of overt sexuality is an interesting point. A true feminist would accentuate her femininity and hint at her sexuality rather than bash us over the head with coarseness. But of course there are very few true feminists in the ranks....
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posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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