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April 14, 2018
Chess Thread 04-14-2018

Women's International Master Teodora Injac, Serbia
Easier Problem - White To Play (644)
Hint: White wins material by deflecting a defender

1r4kb/1p2nr2/p2qp1p1/4NpQ1/3P4/3B2P1/PP3P2/1K5R w - - 0 1
More Challenging Problem - White To Play (645)
Hint: Create threats to exploit Black's surprisingly limited options

3k4/8/4K3/4B3/8/8/2R5/4r3 w - - 0 1
Dress Pr0n For The 'Ettes:

(With special thanks to 'ette All Hail Eris who pointed me to
a great stash of Melania Trump photos, which I'll dipping into from time to time.)
Solutions Update
Easier Problem - White To Play

1r4kb/1p2nr2/p2qp1p1/4NpQ1/3P4/3B2P1/PP3P2/1K5R w - - 0 1
1.Rxh8+! Kxh8
Forced. The rook on f7 now has no defender.
2.Nxf7+ Kg7
3.Nxd6 and White should win.
More Challenging Problem - White To Play

3k4/8/4K3/4B3/8/8/2R5/4r3 w - - 0 1
1.Rg2! (1.Rh2! also works)
Not 1.Rb2? because of 1...Rc1 to block the mate on b8.
Black should just resign at this point. White threatens Rg8# and there's no place for Black to run. He could try
1...Kc8 but then
And Black cannot stop Rb8#. White's centralized Bishop really hems in Black's king.
Hope to see you all next week!
Note: that cryptic line of letters and numbers you see underneath each board diagram is a representation of the position in what is known as "Forsyth-Edwards Notation", or F.E.N. It's actually readable by humans. Most computer applications nowadays can read FEN, so those of you who may want to study the position, you can copy the line of FEN and paste into your chess app and it should automatically recreate the position on its display board. Or, Windows users can just "triple click" on it and the entire line will be highlighted so you can copy and past it into your chess app.
So that about wraps it up for this week. Chess thread tips, suggestions, bribes, rumors, threats, and insults may be sent to my yahoo address: OregonMuse little-a-in-a-circle yahoo dott com.

posted by OregonMuse at
05:17 PM
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