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April 13, 2018
Chris Wallace: There's Nothing Factually New in James Comey's Book, But It's Notable For "How Bitchy" It Is
Queen for a book tour.
"At one point he says while he thinks the president’s behavior may have been unethical, it may not have been illegal."
"The other thing that surprises me, frankly, is how bitchy the book is," Wallace sassed. "Comey goes out of his way to say the president isn’t as tall as he thought he was. He checked out the size of his hands the first time they shook hands, that he noticed that the president seemed to have little white half moons under his eyes, maybe he had sun-tanning goggles that he wore."
Law & Crime reports Comey claims he "thought about" appointing a special counsel to probe the Clinton email matter -- but of course you don't do that over sending classified information over an unclassified system, you only do that if someone fires your smug ass -- and that the criticizes Loretta Lynch for her "tortured half-in, half out" approach to the Clinton probe.
The article does not say -- Lynch told us she was all the way out of the Clinton probe. Critics like me and you said, "No, she's not all the way out, she claims she'll defer to Comey, but she hasn't actually recused herself so that Comey would be the true final arbiter."
Is Comey saying she is in fact a liar and pretended to give up supervision of the case while in fact keeping it?
And ExJon has some fake quotes from the book.
Oh: John Brennan went Full Purple Prose on Twitter.
These people... are not smart people.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:26 PM
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