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April 13, 2018
The Morning Rant

"I hear that the Bank of America says they're no longer going to lend money to makers of 'assault-style guns used for non-military purposes'. I'm going to have to ask the same question I did a few days ago: If courts can force Christian florists to provide their services for gay weddings, then how can BofA excuse itself from lending to gun manufacturers purely on the basis of ideology? I'd love to see them have to defend that decision in court. 'Uh, it's not bigotry when we do it' is a dog that just won't hunt."
The Pic That Launched A Thousand Twits:

(click to embiggen)The junior ape
mentioned this yesterday, linking to Stephen Miller's takedown of how CBS News tried to gin up online outrage and hatred against Brenna Spencer. Which is weird, because, you know, I thought progressives *liked* strong women. Isn't that what they're always telling us?
I'm reposting because I think it's an absolutely brilliant photograph. It communicates pretty much everything progressives hate in the current political climate (attractive heterosexual women, guns, Trump, and attractive heterosexual women who love guns and Trump). The only thing they'd probably be OK with would be that bridge in the background.
And I think that all of CBS's efforts to sic the progressive hounds against Brenna Spencer did nothing except give her a big ole signal boost.
So thanks, CBS! Your fail is our success.
Here's Another Strong Woman That Progressives Prefer To Believe Does Not Exist:

(click to embiggen)
Compare & Contrast:

Which would YOU choose?
More Progressive Love For Strong Women:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:25 AM
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