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April 13, 2018
Dad Justice: Would-Be Kidnapper of Three-Year-Old Gets the F*** Beaten out of Him By Vigilant Father
Doin' the jobs Americans won't do.
A father in California caught a man allegedly attempting to kidnap his 3-year-old daughter and left him with a bloody face.
The scumbag is literally lucky to be alive. No jury would have convicted the dad. In fact, few police departments would even have arrested him.
The ma'’s daughter was playing at a park outside of Sacramento, Calif., while her mother and the mother’s boyfriend were walking their dog nearby. Yonel Hernandez-Velasco, 26, allegedly walked up to the girl, grabbed her hand and began "skipping" away with her, The Sacramento Bee reported.
The mother saw this and called out to the dad, who rushed to intervene.
Hernandez-Velasco pulled out a pair of handcuffs, which he tried to use as brass knuckles, and began running at Cantrell Jr. The girl's father immediately punched Hernandez-Velasco in the face, knocking him to the ground.
Hernandez-Velasco then got back up and charged Cantrell Jr. again, and was punched again. The second punch left Hernandez-Velasco on the ground until authorities arrived to the scene.
Maybe the Democrats will give the kidnapper a Dreamer Medal. I mean, he was a Dreamer. He dreamed of abducting a 3-year-old girl.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:15 PM
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