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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
April 11, 2018
The Morning Report 4/11/18
Good morning kids. The middle of the week and things are popping all over the place. In the lead, is the Mueller Kangaroo Kourt and Mark Zuckerberg's Senate testimony yesterday - which are actually related items as most of you I assume are aware.
First, with regards to Mueller it is beyond question at this point that there never was any collusion between candidate or President Trump and Russia to somehow steal the 2016 election, that the dossier that was used as a pretext to obtain FISA warrants to wiretap him via his associates was not only a sham document but in all likelihood bought and paid for by Obama and/or Hillary, and that the past nearly 16 months of this insanity has but one purpose - to take out the President altogether or so damage him as to derail his agenda.
And this brings us to Facebook. Lacking any evidence at all within the parameters of this "investigation," - and there are none since Jeff Sessionzzzz recused himself on day one and turning over the reins to the deputy AG and Deep State hack Rod Rosensteinpenis who then hired fellow traveler Mueller to find someone, anyone, guilty of something so that impeachment of PDT could be teed up. But guess what? Even after all of that, plus the massive decolletage and minimal morals of Stormy Daniels, they have bupkis, gornisht and zilch. So, now Facebook is at fault for somehow allowing Russia and/or Cambridge Analytics to mine user data to "manipsonate" (as Al Sharptone would belch) people into voting for Trump. How this actually manifested itself is not known, but perhaps we can ask Jim Messina (no, the creepy one not associated with Kenny Loggins) to tell us how, presumably without Russian assistance, did the same thing for Obama four years earlier. And don't be fooled by Zuckerberg's mea culpa. He'd love it if the government regulated Facebook as it would be the foot in the door to a government takeover of the internet that they were itching for with "net neutrality." More like net neutering of conservative, pro-American, anti-leftist speech. Also known as "hate speech." /sarc.
And then we have the completely thuggish stunt of raiding the offices of the President's personal lawyer in search of, what exactly? Evidence of Russian collusion? No; check stubs showing the President paid off a lying, public fornicator to keep her from revealing an alleged affair he had with her 12 years ago from going public and somehow inventing a case of misuse of campaign funds. I can feel the bile rising from my churning gullet and my BP spiking right about now, don't you?
And so, all the masks have been dropped and the naked tactics of thugs and tyrants who have been driven insane because their plan to install one of the most horrible public figures ever to emerge on the American political landscape as President in order to complete the 100-year counterrevolution was derailed by a "gavone" billionaire from Queens (PBUH).
The question is not the justifiability of if Robert Mueller should be fired and this thing shut down. The question is what are the consequences to the President and to the citizenry? Up until the Lavrenti Beria-ing of Michael Cohen, I was in favor of shit-canning that lanky hunk of piss. But, it is clear to me that despite the shredding of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, I think it would be wise to keep Mueller where he is. The fact that Tubby Riefenstahl and others of his ilk are goading PDT into it, and that the GOP-e is doing a reverse-psychology thing by warning him against it sets alarm bells off, especially since Mueller is dangerously close to crossing a red line by going after PDT personally.
If he fires him, then he becomes an instant martyr/hero and rallying cry for the Democrat-Left-Media complex. But if he stays, despite ever more frequent and brutal anal-raping of the rule of law, which will still yield nothing (manufactured evidence notwithstanding), Mueller will continue dragging whatever there is of his reputation through the sewer, along with that of the DoJ and FBI, and earn the justified enmity of a solid majority of the people. And at the beginning and end of every day that this continues, the President should do what he does best: take to Twitter and savage Mueller, Rosenpenis and everyone associated with this. I think it's the smart move.
The other big story - which no doubt the Democrat-Left-Media complex will tout as "wagging the dog" to distract us from "high crimes and misdemeanors" - is the situation in Syria. All the players involved deserve a 100 megaton slap upside the head because in order to cure the Lou Gehrig's Disease of Assad and Iran, you have to inject yourself with terminal colon cancer with an HIV-tainted needle by allying yourself with ISIS. No thanks. Unfortunately, Syria is a strategic location and the situation there can't be ignored, but there are ways to send a message that does not necessarily involve boots on the ground. I hope that Bolton and company can engineer a combination 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War/USSR-Taliban quagmire 1979-89 that will send Orville Reddenbacher futures soaring. In a related story, Iran's currency is tanking so if they send their troops off to die in Syria as their economy dies, all with the smoldering embers of the uprisings a few months back, and the regime might tip over like a bi-pedal drunken bollard at a Hindu temple.
Going around the horn quickly, the tax cuts are starting to really kick in and Kudlow may turn into an asset for PDT, all this talk of impeaching PDT could bite the Dems in the ass come November, Claire McAsshole is in the hottest over the Women's March support of some prostitution website and PDT has signed an executive order on welfare reform.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Rush: They're Trying to Goad PDT Into Firing Mueller
- Zuckerberg Confirms Facebook is Working With Mueller Investigation
- Finally: Thom Tillis Brings Up Obama Campaign Facebook Data-Harvesting
- Nunes Warns Rosenpenis, Wray "We're Not Messing Around Here"
- Jim Jordan: Sessionzzzz, Rosenpenis "Need to Be Held Accountable"
- As PDT Reportedly Mulls Firing Mueller, GOP Senators Warn Firing Would Be "Suicide"
- Mueller Laid a Trap for PDT by Marking Him an Investigation "Subject"
- Report: AG Sessionszzzz Freezes Aid Program for Illegal Aliens
- Trump Should Look Closely at How Bill Clinton Dealt With Asylum Seekers
- Bank of America Will No Longer Lend to Companies that Make "Military-Style" Weapons
- Broward County Votes Against Arming Teachers
- When the Nazis Came for the Guns
- Push to Politicize Impeachment May Backfire for Dems in Midterms
- The Stunning Smear Campaign Against Immigration Hawk Ron DeSantis
- Women's March Defense of Backpage.com Puts Claire McCasskill in Tough Spot
- Hoyer's Attempt to Pressure Candidate Out of Running in Dem FL Congressional Primary Backfires
- Woman Who Accused MO Governor of Blackmail, But Now Doesn't Know if He Took Pictures of Her
- PDT Cancels South American Trip; Sign That Military Strike on Syria May Be Imminent
- Bolton's First Test: Helping PDT Take a Longer View on Syria
- Levin on Syria: "There are Things You Can Do, Short of All-Out War, to Take a Stand for Humanity"
- Should the President Push to Include Regulatory Reform in NAFTA?
- White House: "We Want to See Concrete Actions From China"
- How Trump Schooled Xi in the Art of the (Trade) Deal
- The Russian Method of State Suicide
- Iran Blames Trump, Saudis, Social Media as Currency Nosedives; Jooz Were Too Busy Controlling Weather
- Israel: Photographer Yasser Murtaja Killed Near Border Was Hamas Military Operative
- Islam's "Abrahamic" Dilemma
- Greenfield: What the Secret Service Threat Assessment Ignores
- Terror by Shipping Container
- Senate Finally Ready to Change the Rules to Speed Up Trump Nominees
- It's Official: Trump Tax Cuts Are Boosting Growth and Mostly Paying for Themselves
- PDT Signs Welfare Reform Executive Order
- Stealth "Net Neutrality": Former FEC Chair Under Obama Calls for Government Agency to Collect Social Media
- Why Larry Kudlow is Giving Donald a Chance
- Equal Pay Day Hype Ignores the Facts and Women's Feelings About the Workplace
- California is Suing Pruitt for Killing EPA Policiy That Kept Factories Permanently Strangled in Regulations
- Obnoxious Lefty T.J. Miller (who?) Arrested for Alleged Fake Bomb Threat
- Something Doesn't Smell Right: Disturbing Messages Found in Diapers from Target
- Lord: Facebook Wouldn't Censor Diamond & Silk if They Were "African-American Women Who Were Liberal"
- Strange Solidarity: Catholic Church's Support for AFSCME in Crucial SCOTUS Case Makes Little Legal or Moral Sense
- Strike Against Political Correctness: "Simpsons" Not About to Apologize in Apu Controversy