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April 10, 2018
Not-So-Woke Jimmy Kimmel: Sean Hannity's a Gay or Something
As always, liberals are permitted to indulge in homophobic jibes with impunity.
Or near-impunity -- they get some minor obligatory criticism by the #WokePress and then issue a bullshit corporate-mandated nonpology and then they're allowed to move on without any further repercussions.
On Friday, Kimmel tweeted at the Fox News host, "Don't worry--just keep tweeting--—you’ll get back on top! (or does Trump prefer you on bottom?) Either way, keep your chin up big fella..XO.” In addition, he tweeted, "When your clown makeup rubs off on Trump’s ass, does it make his butt look like a Creamsicle?"
Kimmel was lambasted on Twitter for resorting to gay jokes to get in a dig at Hannity. But he’s far from the only person--that day even--who lobbed homophobic jokes at the Trump administration. Also on Friday, Chelsea Handler tweeted, "Jeff Sessions is definitely a bottom." When called out on it, she responded, "I'm a bottom and proud of it."
Oh -- it's okay to make a gay joke about a man having sex with a man because she's a woman who herself has sex with men. Gotcha.
Tthink of last year, when Stephen Colbert used homophobic jokes of his own to attack President Trump on The Late Show. "The only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin's cock holster," Colbert said to Trump during a 2017 monologue. Once again, the idea of a man engaging in a sexual act with another man is seen as funny. It's the worst way to insult a straight man: implying that he might be gay.
Note the thrust of this piece: The writer is making a case that this form of joke is bad, but not that Jimmy Kimmel, Chelsea Handler, or Stephen Colbert are themselves bad (and must be driven from their jobs and society generally).
That latter, more stringent medicine is reserved for Republicans only.
Remember they tried to drive Chip and Joanna Gaines off the air for not renovating enough homes owned by gay men?
Jimmy Kimmel spat up this press release:
... and that will be the end of the public scolding as far as the leftwing eliminationist media is concerned, at least until the next time Jimmy Kimmel does it (as Alec Baldwin repeatedly did it), at which point he will be absolved for writing "I am sorry I once again called someone a faggot" and then he'll be just fine again.
Until the next time. And then they'll forgive him after that fake apology too.
Michelle Malking scolds Disney for letting Kimmel skate with this corporate bullshit in which Kimmel gets to play the victim, somehow.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:31 PM
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