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April 09, 2018
DOJ Continues Slow-Walking Document Subpoenaed by Congress, Ignoring April 5th Deadline and Risking Contempt Charges
Contempt -- well-named.
"I think the problem with the production of the documentation is adding too much supervision," said DiGenova regarding the appointment of Lausch. "This is all political theater and trying to prevent contempt of Congress. This is all designed to get (House Speaker) Paul Ryan not to agree to contempt and an attempt to delay production of the documents until the November election, hoping the Republican's lose the House."
DiGenova said Wray and Rosenstein are responsible for the delays and should be held in contempt.
Sessions appointed an attorney to oversee delivery of the documents. I imagine this will result in further delays.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:02 PM
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