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April 09, 2018
The Morning Rant

"So two vocal Trump supporters who go by the name of Diamond & Silk have been shadowbanned from Facebook. You can read their side of the story at this link. The reason given to them by FB was that their pro-Trump content and brand were deemed to be "unsafe to the community." Think about that. Supporting a sitting president is deemed too offensive to be allowed to be viewed. And furthermore, D&S were informed that the decision is final and may not be appealed. I hope they go to court with this. Because if a Christian baker can be forced to decorate a message on a cake, as courts have decided they must, then I see no reason why Facebook should not be similarly compelled to let D&S use its platform to propagate whatever beliefs and opinions they choose. Because these are the new rules that progressives have put up in place, so we must all live by them, right?"
Having The Correct Priorities Is Essential In a Progressive Environment:

Larry Elder)
Funny, But Probably Fake:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:31 AM
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