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April 06, 2018
Mid-Morning Open Thread

McSorley's Bar, 1912
John French Sloan
New York metro area teenagers would make the pilgrimage to McSorley's Bar to drink crappy beer and eat stupid ham sandwiches on white bread. Why? I have no idea, but I did it, and I'll bet there are a few Morons who did too.
As for the art? The Ashcan School. Eh, if I want American realism I'm going to Edward Hopper, but this stuff is interesting as a snippet of history. I am always amused by the politics of these artists, which skews hard left. They loved to observe the human condition and decry the inequities of American society, but for some reason they always ended up in nice neighborhoods, vacationing in Europe, and being fêted by royalty.
So...typical leftists.