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March 26, 2018
The Morning Rant

"So I'm hearing that there was a well-developed bullying culture going on at Stoneman Douglas High School where a bunch of students in the 'cool kids' clique habitually harassed and picked on weaker students. Like Nicholas Cruz. Yeah, it turns out that he was one of the victims, and furthermore, David Hogg and others who were leading the marches this weekend were members of the bullying clique. This had been going on for some time, and nobody did jack sh* about it. I guess the school admins took their cue from the Broward County Sheriff's Office and adopted a 'wait and see' attitude toward the bullying."
Bet You Hadn't Heard About This:

I'm surprised the WaPo reported it.
Best Protest Sign:
A conversation with David 'Hitlerjugend' Hogg:
David Hogg: "We can't trust the government"
Me: You right bro
Hogg: "They're leaving us to die"
Me: I know man
Hogg: "We have to act for ourselves they only care about elections & money"
Me - Right on dude
Hogg: "That's why we need gun control"
Me: You're a special kind of stupid
(h/t Mackenzie via Instapundit)
Ladies and Gentlemen, Your GOPe:
More GOPe:

And In Other News...

posted by OregonMuse at
11:20 AM
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