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The Morning Report 3/23/18 »
March 22, 2018
Thursday night ONT
Good evening fellow Morons, how is everyone? I'm back! What's it like to be back, you ask?
It's almost like conservatives are people, not monsters
A Hillary Staffer Goes to CPAC
Excpecting scorn and derision, she was instead greeted with warmth and welcome. Imagine that.
Where were you last night?
ONT Flotsam
Why Is Walking on the Surface of the Earth Any Less Miraculous Than Flying Above It?
I had bookmarked this article a coupe of weeks ago. I know I had some thoughts about it that I wanted to share. What were those thoughts? Who knows? I certainly don't, and I'm in no shape to figure it out. So here! Philosophy link!
Vox explains that more young people die from gunshots than from diseases that don't primarily affect the young. Did you also know that more dogs die from distemper than from drowning while attempting to circumnavigate the globe?
Americans being Americans
Clarksville tornado: 250 volunteers overflow signup sheets for storm debris cleanup
A natural disaster strikes. The next day, more volunteers to help show up than they have room for. That's my America.
Good Question
When Will We Have the Guts to Link Fatherlessness to School Shootings?
This article pairs well with something that Jesse Kelly wrote the other day.
Related: Women are doing it all themselves - so why are we so unhappy?
Maybe tossing away thousands of years of carefully developed societal standards on a whim wasn't such a good idea after all. Who could have known?
New Doctor Who Intro
Budget cuts at the BBC
Situational Awareness
Good for her. She obviously had an eye on him, because she moved as soon as he did.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by Deus Vult:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:04 PM
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