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March 25, 2018
Weekend Gun Thread
A Hypothetical Situation/Questions
Say, hypothetically I carried a concealed weapon. Hypothetically it was very similar to the photo above. Hypothetically I'm a vertically challenged individual who doesn't wear a sport coat or suit coat. Basically dress casual with a hypothetical occasional winter coat seven months of the year.
Of course hypothetically, what pistol would you recommend to someone hypothetically like me. Hypothetically what caliber do you recommend and what type of a hypothetical holster would you suggest? And of course you must show your hypothetical work.
Speaking of concealed carry, would you be interested in Pixeon JPX6 Jet Projector?
To launch the irritant JPX6 uses cartridges which contain both the propellant charge and the liquid irritant. The use of cartridges allows the Piexon launchers to have higher jet velocities and longer effective ranges than the conventional pepper sprays. The jet velocity of JPX6 is 80 m/s (262 fps) at 1.5-meter distance from the muzzle. This weapon can be effectively used to up to 7-meter distance with the 1.5 meter being the minimum safe distance for the shooter. The company also points out that unlike the pepper sprays, the jet of the irritant shot from JPX6 is less prone to get deflected by wind or affected by rain.
The older version JPX4 is not cheap. I couldn't find a retail price for the new JPX6
There are still some sensible parents out there. It is a shame they have to deal with idiot teachers and jackass administrators.
On March 14, thousands of students in schools all across the country participated in what was billed as a national walkout for school safety in honor of the victims of the Parkland, Florida school shooting. In reality, the walkout was little more than an agenda-driven protest in demand of strict gun control laws.
Needless to say, not all students and parents were thrilled at the tacit endorsement of a divisive political issue by the school administrations who allowed or even encouraged the walkouts to occur. Some parents let their children’s schools know exactly how displeased they were.
According to Independent Journal Review, one of those parents was a father named John Gunn, who visited the principal of his son’s school — Barbara Boggio of the Ventura Unified School District — in her office the next day to demand answers. He recorded the confrontation on his cell phone and subsequently posted the video online.
The longer I live, the less I understand people. Citizens of Washington State now can voluntarily give up their 2nd Amendment rights. They are able to "get them back". Tell me that won't come back to bite them in the ass.
The measure, now law, establishes a framework for a person who no longer wants to be able to own firearms. Those wanting to take advantage of the ability to snip their Second Amendment rights have to submit a form to their county clerk, who in turn is obligated to notify the state police within 24 hours. Authorities would then transmit the request to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System, reporting the individual as a prohibited firearms possessor. A request could later be reeled back by the person after seven days. The process is mandated to be in place by January 2019.
The less any government knows about you, the better.
Six reasons why the AR-15 is an ideal self-defense weapon. Does the Horde have moar more reasons?
March For Our Lives. Yes you special snow flake parents, use your kids as props. Bumper sticker statements, cliches and emotional rhetoric. Infuriating.
Hypothetical .380 ammo, tips, stories can be sent to the Weekend Gun Thread, petmorons at gmail dot com.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
07:30 PM
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