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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
March 02, 2018
The Morning Report 3/2/18
Good morning kids. The weekend is here and the politics surrounding the Parkland mass murder are coming sharply into focus. See what I did there? I wrote "mass murder" and not "mass shooting." There's a link for that because he who controls the language, etc. But up front, as the abject corruption and social justice madness that has infected the Broward County Sheriff's office is exposed, the sordid history of that locale as a hotbed of Islamic terrorism comes back into view. A slew of some of the most notorious Islamic terrorists were at one time or another living in or plotting their acts within the confines of that locale. Actually, the name Sami al-Arian just popped into my head but that's just the tip of the al-iceberg. Nice to know that Sheriff Scott Israel hired a CAIR leader to be a deputy. I guess that institution being an un-indicted co-conspirator in a major Federal terrorism case is not necessarily a disqualifying factor. Considering the other link I have where an Alaska congressman rightly claims (though the phrasing is a bit in artful IMHO) that German Jews could have prevented their fate had they been armed, one of the nation's most heavily Jewish areas would not only prefer being unarmed but have a terrorist-linked individual as a sheriff's deputy. Insanity.
Meanwhile, the debate continues as to whether or not the President is actually going to cave on gun control or if he's merely playing the Democrats like he did back in January with that DACA/Amnesty meeting. Considering that both Immigration/Amnesty and the preservation of the Second Amendment are polling far and away as the top issues for voters, I would think (read: hope and pray) that the latter is what's going on.
Moving along to the "Muh-Mueller Collusions!" department, despite the fact that this issue is dead last on the list of voter priorities, he and his merry band of insurrectionists are now focused on nailing people for process crimes in an effort to smear the President on or about October 1st through the 15th. It's not linked but over at the Daily Caller both Megan McCain, who surprisingly I am gaining a lot of respect for and Condoleeza Rice (who I have lost pretty much all my respect for) were on "The View" and rhetorically beat the tar out of Adam Schiff-for-brains.
Domestically, the President announced that he would slam steel and aluminum imports with heavy tariffs, and the markets reacted with a 420-point dump. I understand where PDT is coming from on this and I appreciate the nearly 50+ year dismantling of American industry, mostly due to insane trade unionism and the regulatory state, but other nations are not going to just take it in the neck. They will react accordingly. Full disclosure: I'm not an economic expert and it's a complex issue, so read the IBD editorial opposing the move and compare and contrast with the Trump plan as well as history and have a nice conversation. On a positive note, jobless claims are at the lowest level since 1969 and despite what the stock market is doing, it's a sign that the economy is only just beginning an unprecedented boom once the Tax Plan really starts kicking in, inshallah.
Foreign policy-wise, there are reports that H.R. McMaster might be the next one out the door at the White House. Fake news or real, I'm not a fan of McMustard. I think he's in with the in crowd in the Deep State. Meanwhile, Putin is shooting is mouth off about doomsday devices and such in an effort to scare the President, but mostly as a reaction I think to our military moves in and around Syria which Bladder-meer doesn't exactly appreciate. That and our sale of anti-tank missiles to the Ukraine. Also, the fact that our forces wiped out about a hundred or so of his Hessians without breaking a sweat might also have aggravated him just a tad. But, the longterm threat that should be addressed is China; the recent power-grabs by Xi Jinping in China, his bellicosity and what that means not only in the Trump era (long may it reign) but beyond I think is now our number one strategic concern.
Lastly, it's hard to believe that yesterday marked the sixth anniversary of the untimely passing of Andrew Breitbart. I think I speak for many of you but it was Andrew and Breitbart, along with this site obviously, that really got me enraged and engaged. My blood pressure notwithstanding, I owe a lot to Andrew. I'm reminded of a line from the movie "Patton" where the general is mourning the loss of one of his adjutants: "I can't see the reason such fine young me get killed. There are so many battles yet to fight."
Rest in peace, Andrew.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Broward County Considered a Hotbed of Terrorism, Sheriff's Deputy a CAIR Leader
- Report: Dems to Propose Weapons Ban, Gun Confiscation Powers in Trump-Inspired Bill
- Future of Fix NICS Unclear In Wake of Trump Gun Control Meeting
- Rush: Panic in Trumpville Over Gun Meeting
- Why Did it Take Two Weeks for Truth to Emerge About Parkland Students' Astroturfing?
- Alaska Congressman Says If Jews Had Guns They Would've Stopped Hitler
- Not a "Shooter" but a "Mass Murderer"
- When Liberals Didn't Mind "Bringing Guns Into the Schools"
- Immigration Deal as Unlikely as Ever: "DACA is Probably on Ice for a Long Time"
- FBI Denies Secret Obama-Comey Meeting Raises Integrity, Public Trust Issues
- Levin Calls for Elimination of FISA Court, Creation of Alternative
- How to Read Trump's Wednesday Tweet About Jeff Sessionszzzzz
- Poll: Immigration, Gun Control Top Issues for Voters; Russia Collusion Dead Last
- Trump Judicial Nominee Confirmed Despite Cuck Schemer's Opposition Because He's White
- Yo, Big Business: Money Doesn't Give You the Right to Manipulate Politics
- Lord: Jared and Ivanka - Trump's Trump Cards
- Jobless Claims Hit Lowest Level Since 1969
- Trump to Slam Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum
- Sorry Mr. President: Your Trade Protectionism Will Cost the US Dearly
- New Study Undermines Claim Exxon-Mobil Tried to Mislead Public on So-Called "Climate Change"
- Philadelphia Soda Tax Fizzles, Collects $13 Million Less Than Expected
- Is Trump Serious About Returning to a Gold Standard?
- Video: Cops Fire 65 Shots at Suspected Killer - - on San Francisco Street
- How California Can Stave Off Day Zero
- McMustard Reportedly Next on the List to Ankle the Administration
- Putin's Nuclear Warning
- Administration Approves Sale of 210 Antitank Missiles to Ukraine
- Literally Xi-tler: China Bans "Animal Farm" and the Letter "N" in Internet Censorship Crackdown
- More German Cities Ban "Refugees" from Arriving
- Is it Time for NATO to Expel Turkey?
- Facebook Profile of Man Who Sent White Powder to Donald Trump Jr. Looks Exacty How You'd Expect
- Leftists Batter Nitkowski, Drive Him from the Game
- Andrew Breitbart 1969-2012
Andrew Breitbart, 1969-2012