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February 27, 2018
Consumer Confidence At Highest Since Clinton Tech Bubble
Trump ran into the building and kicked economic malaise's ass.*
U.S. consumer confidence jumped to a 17-year high as optimism about employment prospects grew and Americans began seeing additional money in their paychecks from recently enacted tax cuts, data from the New York-based Conference Board showed Tuesday.
The report reflects increased confidence in employment and incomes, which could support consumer spending. The labor differential, which measures the gap between respondents saying jobs are plentiful and those who say they're hard to get, rose to 24.7 percentage points, the highest since 2001.
Recent tax legislation signed in December may have also buoyed sentiment, as many Americans saw bigger after-tax paychecks in February due to the law.
Incidentally, the DJIA rose +399, coming within 3% of hitting all time records. It's down 200 points today, but the trend is your friend.
* By the way, I'm going to be doing more Hero Worship stuff about Trump. Not because I'm really hero worshipping -- it's more gloating + driving the NeverTrump sissies crazy. They're convinced that a Cult of Trump exists, and yet deny that there's a Cult of Tapper.
Didn't they say of Johnny Cash that his persona was Mr. Saturday Night (the bad, hard-drinking, womanizing version of himself) and Mr. Sunday Morning (the God-fearing, churhgoing side)?
Jake Tapper seems to have a Mr. Sunday Morning twitter persona and a Mr. Saturday Night persona for his actual TV show.
But the Twitter Addicts think that Twitter is the real world, so they only seem to care about his occasional Twitter concession to them.
I've asked him a hundred times, as Sean Davis asks now: When does any of this "fairness" you show (under duress) on Twitter make it to your actual TV "news" program?
Never, pretty much.