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February 21, 2018
Newsweek: Definitely Believe All Women, But, By the Way, Al Franken Was Taken Out by RUSSIAN Bots Who Lie
You may have seen this grotesque left-wing conspiracy theory from the laughable gutterblog Newsweek, which claims that Leanna Tweeden was some kind of frame-up pawn of a "botnet" campaign.
Oh, and if you're old enough, you may remember that the authoress Nina Burleigh said she would gladly give Bill Clinton a blowjob to keep abortion legal/mandated, and that all American women should get out their "kneepads" to service him with gratitude.
The #MeToo movement has a disturbing tendency of claiming to believe all women but then calling victims of liberal politicians liars, dupes, maniacs, or pawns.
Here's a digest of what Nina Burleigh claimed, based on the claims made by some fly-by-night group posting on the Medium open forum blog, as well as the leftwing propaganda outfit Raw Story, for crying out loud.
In 19 February 2018, both the news magazine Newsweek and news blog RawStory.com posted stories cribbing from a blog post on Medium.com by "Unhack the Vote," which reported the #MeToo movement had been co-opted by a network of right-wing Internet trolls and Kremlin-controlled social media bots to force Al Franken, a former Democratic senator from Minnesota, to resign.
Although the gist of the stories was that Democrats had been duped into pushing Franken out by a propaganda operation run by Russia and the alt-right, the accuracy of these stories is being challenged. They reported that the attack against Franken was orchestrated in part by "weaponizing" an article by author and writer Ijeoma Oluo to hasten his downfall. But both Oluo and a researcher who tracks Russian-influenced social media activity told us the reports got key details wrong.
This is what she said after first being rebutted by Snopes and the person whose post she misconstrued:
But now the #FakeNews clearlinghouse Newsweek now says it has to retract the story after being unable to verify the claims made in this absurd article, "after further review."
After further review? You're implying you did some review before publishing?
I'd imagine that's as much a lie as most of your other content.
The sassy sissy Shep Smith was just sparkling as he reported right-wing conspiracy theories about "crisis actors" involved in the Parkland school shooting protests -- think he'll have a word to say about this unhinged leftwing conspiracy theory?
The answer is "No," obviously. Leftwingers are permitted to post #FakeNews and conspiracy theories without ever being castigated for them. After all, true or not, sane or insane, they help the cause. And exposing the left for its fake news and conspiracy theories would hurt the cause, so they're just covered up, and the leftwing faithful are knowingly permitted to keep on believing untrue things because the truth doesn't matter to the left, and indeed never has -- only the cause of bringing Sovietism to the US matters.
Ironically enough -- given that they're pretending so hard to be anti-Soviet these late strange days.
Here's CNN scolding the "David Hogg is a crisis actor" conspiracy theorists, calling that claim "a lie."
Do you think they'll similarly call Nina Burleigh, Raw Story, Medium, or Newsweek liars? Will they be castigated for injecting viciously false conspiracy theories into the body public?
Or do you think they'll just pretend this didn't happen?