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February 06, 2018
Clown In Makeup Jimmy Kimmel Tries His Retarded Rhetoric on Trump Supporters;
Finds Himself Outclassed
Do not attempt to match wits against this Mind Wizard.
After all, he's a mediocre comic who asks celebrities questions about their latest movie and last vacation. You gotta be a genius to do that.
Last week, Jimmy Kimmel, the late-night talk show host with a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, wanted to host a segment with voters who oppose DACA. To find willing guests, ABC casting had reached out to me and fellow Trump supporters to appear on the show. At first, I was reluctant. Kimmel uses every shame-inducing prop imaginable to attack President Trump and conservatives in general. I reached out to a friend and fellow activist, Robin Hvidston, director of We the People Rising, for advice. She encouraged me to go with her and four others: Chanell Temple, Wes Parker, Lorie Masonas, and Celeste Grieg. All of us know each in other conservative circles throughout Southern California.
After a brief "rehearsal," we finally met Jimmy Kimmel who interviewed each of us about the program. I told him that nearly 50% of DACA recipients are fraudulent, and illegals commit proportionally more crime than Americans. He finished our brief interview with: "I want you to meet somebody."
After the interviews, our team waited in the Green Room. I pondered who Kimmel was going to have us meet. "He's going to present a child who is in this country illegally," I imagined. Lo and Behold, Kimmel introduced us to Esmeralda, a DACA recipient brought into this country by her law-breaking illegal parents. She was seated with a baby girl in her lap. Kimmel staged the most compassionate scenario, hoping to shame us into silence.
The guy is so fucking dumb. He thought this was a marvelous, unexpected piece of stagecraft.
Immediately, I showed the mother and child my shirt, which featured the profile of young Ruben Morfin, an all-American 13-year old boy executed by an illegal alien. "He had dreams, too," I quickly shared before Kimmel shushed me.
He would attempt to silence me an unprecedented five times. Little did Little Kimmel realize, however, but all of us were seasoned activists trained in how to deal with fawning, guilt-trip inducing liberal media hacks.
Right away, I opened up about our need to put Americans first, including our homeless veterans and foster children. "OK, Arthur, that’s enough." And why couldn’t I finish? "Because this is my show!" Kimmel fired back. He would say that three more times. What a dictator! I mentioned general statistics about illegals committing a higher rate of crimes that native-born citizens. "OK Sean Hannity, give it a rest," Kimmel mocked me. "I don't watch Hannity," I countered. Other people in our group were shocked to see how triggered the comic had become....
The piece de resistance occurred when Kimmel tried one more time to silence me. Bursting through all of Kimmel's attempts to shame us, Lorie reminded the audience about the needs of American citizens. In rude yet repeated fashion, Kimmel championed Esmeralda but talked over Lorie, and I finally calmly asked: "Jimmy, why won't you let this Latina for Trump speak? You keep interrupting her. Is it because she has darker skin than you?"
With that, Kimmel completely lost it and shouted at me: "Shut up, you a---hole!"
I don't know why this guy is still on TV. I don't see how you can get ratings being both an asshole and unfunny. Though, actually, Bill Maher managed it for a long time.
Christian Toto has a piece on Kimmel's transformation from an untalented, jackass mediocrity into an untalented, pious c***.
I never liked this guy. People talk about The Man Show. Well, let me let you in on a little secret: The Man Show was embarrassingly unfunny. Yeah, it was un-PC. So what? Hitler was un-PC too, that doesn't make him funny.
The only funny thing was The Man Show Boy.