« Sunday Morning Book Thread: 01/21/2018 |
In All Of The Excitement I Forgot.......... »
January 21, 2018
Uncle-Tom Deplorable Still Shackled by White Patriarchy
Or, and this may just be crazy talk, an alternative take on the plight of Black America that takes into account actual, real facts and data.
My take on Trump's first year as an African-American mom and veteran
Now that we’ve arrived at the one-year mark of the Trump presidency, I’ve done some soul-searching regarding my support of the man elected by the American people to lead our nation. As a black woman, a mother and a veteran, am I doing the right thing to continue backing President Trump? Is he really as awful – even evil – as his critics claim? Are his ideas half-baked and dangerous? Is he harming the nation I love?
And what does my support for President Trump say about me? By backing a man so hated by some am I compromising my integrity and values? Can I be pro-Trump and still be a good person?
I don't like the Balkanization of America. One day in the future we will be judged and see ourselves as the content of our characters rather than the color of our skin, or our genitalia. But I fear that for the next generation we will be forced to carve off chunks of the electorate and appeal to them based on those factors. We didn't make the rules, but we need to take advantage of them to be successful.
Anyway, this lady makes some sense. I just wish that she would discard the progressive manipulation of the political landscape that allows them to call into question our integrity and goodness as people if we support President Trump.