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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
January 19, 2018
The Morning Report 1/19/18
Good morning kids. We end the week with the bombshell revelations, which in point of fact are the confirmation of our now long-held suspicions, that the fabricated Trump "dossier" was in fact used as a pretext to illegally obtain a FISA warrant as legal cover to spy on first the Trump campaign in order to derail it and then the nascent Trump Administration to for all intents and purposes overthrow it. It also had a parallel goal of obfuscating Hillary's and Obama's real crimes by manufacturing evidence that "see, Trump did it too, so no big deal" or something like that.
As of now, key Republicans are pushing to have this smoking gun, nay, still-flaming howitzer, released to the public while the Democrats, many of whom being part of this "investigation" can be considered co-conspirators in the coverup if not the actual crime, are desperately trying to keep it secret.
And in a not necessarily unrelated story, at least from the standpoint of the lawlessness and lust for raw power of the Establishment and the Leftist-Democrat movement, the Attorney General of California, one Xavier Becerra, is now threatening citizens of his state with prosecution if they cooperate with Federal agents in the exercising of their legal authority to investigate and arrest any illegal aliens within that state. First, recall that when Becerra as a Congressman was chairman of the House Democrat Caucaus, there was a massive data breach by their IT aides the Awan brothers, which then DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz desperately attempted to cover up. No doubt in my mind that whatever data that was stolen by the Awans must have included clear evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Obama, both Clintons, their aides and key figures in the federal law enforcement and intel communities, related to the Trump campaign as well as most likely the shadier elements of the patently shady Iran nuke deal and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Circling back, Becerra's now thug-like threats against his citizenry is apparently in response to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's announcement that the agency intends to arrest mayors and other civic leaders of so-called "sanctuary cities" if they refuse to cooperate with law enforcement in the arrest and deportation of illegal aliens in their jurisdictions. Is it just me or is this insurrection? And what happens when Federal ICE agents actually show up in California to start arresting people or even just to set up offices? Will Becerra and Jerry Brown instruct their state police to "resist?" Never has the expression "Mexican standoff" had a more charged double meaning than right there.
Re-circling back once more to the lead, said Rep Scott Perry of Virginia:
"You think about it, 'is this happening in America or is this the KGB?' That's how alarming this is."
Now take the lead story, the one about Becerra, the actual Soviet-style labeling of political dissidents and opponents (in this case President Trump) as "insane," the nakedly illegal and unconstitutional power grabs by judges to block the legal functioning of the Executive branch, the weaponization of the IRS, DoJ, EPA and other agencies to oppress the citizenry, the normalization and instigation of physical violence against conservatives and others, the silencing and censorship of anti-leftist voices in social and other media, and myriad other examples of "the resistance" within the Federal bureaucracy as well as Democrat-controlled state and local governments and you've got yourself a situation.
In my life, I've always been jaded about politics and political parties but I guess I was blind, willfully or otherwise, to the fact that we indeed no longer have a republic that is even marginally functioning as intended; the people being in control of their destinies and those they elect charged with carrying out their wishes via legislation that is lawfully enacted, faithfully executed and either upheld or overturned in legitimate courts of law by jurists whose loyalty is to the ultimate guidepost, the Constitution.
It pains me to have to write this but we are living in, for all intents and purposes a first world shit-hole. We don't see it because we live in relative comfort, have access to clean water, sanitation, don't go hungry and can pursue our life's goals relatively unmolested - that is if you don't think too much about the bureaucracy that controls or at least touches on every aspect of your life and profits off of it, but that is another story. Yes, we live in a shit-hole because petty thugs and crooks who want to maintain that power and control with like minded-thugs "elected" by the low-information lumpenproletariat got the shock of their life when the latter dared defy them and elect a man whom they despise personally and fear openly because he is committed to their metaphorical eradication.
If we are to restore any semblance of the rule of law and preserve what's left of the civil society, then at a minimum people at the top have got to be punished, and severely. I'm looking right at James Comey and that's just for starters. If he and all the others (and I think it's fairly obvious who I am referring to) do not face prison and have their assets seized, then G-d help us.
Lots of other stuff including primarily the shutdown follies among other things. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.