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January 10, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
If President Trump does this it will be the poo-flinging to end all poo flingings. I mean, I consider myslef a professional, but this would elevate it to art!
It would be a fantastic trolling of the press, and it would stymie the Democrat's carefully laid plans to disrupt the SOTU address. They are already planning on wearing black (how original!), and I have no doubt that there are interruptions and other rudeness planned.
I haven't watched one in years. I just read the transcript and carefully avoid the pomp and circumstance involved, which I find distasteful for a country that fought a war to get out from under the thumb of royalty.
But....I think President Trump needs to speak directly to the American people; to tell them of his accomplishments and to tell them of his plans. The media is single-minded in its hatred of him, and simply refuses to report his successes. He must be his own media, and something tells me that he won't mind tooting his own horn on national TV.
Ah yes, the pinch-faced scolds of the new Left.
What a humorless turd this guy is. Imagine how much fun he is at cocktail parties. Does he run around fact-checking people's stories and admonishing them to be on the up-and-up?
Oh....he writes for the NYT, so he is immediately disqualified from any discussions of fake news, because he represents the organization that retired the trophy. Walter Duranty!
I considered not posting this tweet, because it shows an utter and complete ignorance of the way the world actually works, and I am sort of embarrassed for her. But she went to college for four years (notice I didn't say "graduated"). She should have picked up at least a few tidbits of knowledge about basic economics. Simple observation would have shown her that men's sports draw more fans than women's sports. Could she not have made the intellectual leap to her current situation? Or is her abject stupidity a reflection of the times, that if we believe we deserve something then it is incumbent upon society to provide that thing?