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December 27, 2017
Jerry Brown Pardons Two Illegal Aliens, Trying to Thwart the Deportation Orders for Them
Apparently if you break our country's immigration laws, you are also permitted to break all the other laws as a special bonus.
California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) on Saturday reportedly pardoned two men just days before they were scheduled to be deported for crimes in the U.S.
Brown granted pardons to 132 individuals, and commuted 19 prison sentences. Among those pardoned were Mony Neth and Rottanak Kong, both Cambodian men who were picked up during October immigration sweeps, according to The Sacramento Bee.
Kong was convicted in 2003 on a felony joyriding charge, while Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge in 1995. Both served jail time.
The pardons may eliminate the reason for their deportations, an attorney told the Sacramento newspaper, which noted that the men will still need to ask immigration courts to reopen their cases.
This won't necessarily work -- corrupt Friend of Hillary Terry McAuliffe tried the same dodge recently, but Trump deported the pardoned woman anyway.
This year, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, pardoned Liliana Cruz Mendez, a mother of two who lived in the suburbs outside Washington. Cruz Mendez, an El Salvador national who was in the U.S. illegally, was detained by ICE after being stopped for a blown-out headlight in 2014.
ICE deported Cruz Mendez anyway this past summer.